Fishing for steelhead is fun. Catching steelhead is even more fun. Here are 6 ways you can can more steelhead on flies. Let us know how you catch more! 6 Ways to Catch More Steelhead Fish the near water first. Steelhead can hold in really shallow water, really close to the bank. Always fish the…
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Timeless Tip Tuesday
Timeless Tip: Rainbow Trout Fishing – Mend Less
There are trout streams out there where highly educated trout demand perfect presentation. Long, light tippets are key. Pure, drag-free drift is essential, and if your fourth mend falls 3 inches left of where it should have, that fish is not going to eat. The Kanektok is not one of those rivers. Before we cover…
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Timeless Tip Tuesday: Steelhead Hang-Down Eats
It’s one of the toughest situations in steelheading, but it happens quite a lot. Most often it’s early or late in the day, and light is relatively low. Feeling safe, a steelhead tucks himself in right against the bank. You make a long cast (because even though the fish are in tight, that’s what we…
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Timeless Tips Tuesday: 6 Tips When Poling for Bonefish
So you’re in a fishery like ours on South Andros that’s loaded with bonefish, and you’re fishing from the boat, with your guide on the push pole. What should you do to make sure you’re successful? Here’s what. Be quiet. Bonefish are really sensitive to noise, so be quiet! Close the cooler quietly. Don’t drop…
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Timeless Tips: 6 Ways to Catch More Silver Salmon
On the Kanektok River where we operate Alaska West, and on other rivers like it in Western Alaska, the classic method for catching silver salmon on flies involves targeting them in slow-moving water, casting a floating line, and stripping back a weighted fly. Here are 6 ways to make the most of this technique. Keep in mind that…
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Timeless Tip Tuesday: King Season Mantra – Stand Your Ground
Whether it’s a choker king fresh from the Dean Channel or that gagger Alaskan Chinook melting away yards of your backing, one thing’s for certain: This is no time for a Junior Varsity track meet. When that mega-king blasts off into hyperdrive—and make no mistake, it will— there’s always the temptation to chase it down, so remember…
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Timeless Tip Tuesday: Control Your Line When Presenting
Today’s tip for bonefishing also applies to any situation when you’re presenting a fly with a single-handed rod. As you’re false casting and lengthening line, your fly line slips through your fingers on your hauling hand when you shoot line (which you’re doing on both your forward cast and your back cast, right?). When you…
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