Whether it’s a choker king fresh from the Dean Channel or that gagger Alaskan Chinook melting away yards of your backing, one thing’s for certain: This is no time for a Junior Varsity track meet.
When that mega-king blasts off into hyperdrive—and make no mistake, it will— there’s always the temptation to chase it down, so remember this: Always stand your ground. Don’t chase it on foot.
Plant your feet and work the fish back to you gently. Listen to your guide. Nine times out of 10 that fish will run out of steam before you run out of backing (and we want to be there to see your face if and when that 10th time happens!). Chasing the fish just gives them what they want, that being an advantage. What’s more, sooner or later that gravel bar’s going to end and with it, your chances of ever holding that fish.
If and when it does come time for a boat chase, just give your guide “The Look ”- the one that says you have absolutely no control over what’s on the end of your line. They’ve seen it before, they live for that look and there’s a better than average chance they’ve already got the boat in hand, just below you with the motor and a net ready.
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