Last week we started our series on Alaskan trout foods with some information on salmon flesh. Today we’re covering a simple, effective fly pattern that’s used to imitate salmon flesh – your basic ‘Flesh Fly’. Our recipe and photos are courtesy of Matt Hynes, senior guide at Alaska West and recent addition to our management…
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Search Results for: fly tying
The Weekly Fly
A few weeks back we started a project to build a fly fishing web directory. We got a lot of great feedback on the result, and one of the great things about it was that we discovered a whole bunch of new content about fly fishing on the web that we’d never seen before. One…
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Fly Fishing Web Directory
We’re happy to present our Fly Fishing Web Directory – a whole bunch of web sites that have to do with fly fishing. These listings are based on comments and emails that we’ve gotten from folks who want to have their sites listed here. If you’re a friend of ours and we missed you, we’re…
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Fly Fishing for Sharks
Sharks are hard on gear. Look closely at that reel… Photo: Andrea Spencer The waters around South Andros Island are extremely fertile – loaded not only with bonefish, but also mullet, jacks and countless other smaller critters. That means lots of food for sharks, which in turn means lots of sharks, which itself means that…
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Secrets of the Flesh Fly
Sometimes all it takes is a little flesh. Photo: Ramsey Smith Trout that live in the lower sections of rivers like the Kanektok and the Arolik in Western Alaska get a lot of their calories from salmon flesh. That means that at Alaska West we spend a lot of time tying and fishing patterns that…
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7 Reasons This Fly Works on South Andros Island
One of many, many flies that works on South Andros Tying your own flies for bonefish on South Andros Island can really help your ego – anything reasonable works. As always, however, the best flies tend to have some things in common. Here’s why this one works. It’s big. That’s a #2 Tiemco 811S, and…
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Gear Review: Smhaen Master Dubbing Twister
The Smhaen Master Dubbing Twister could be the best dubbing in the world. This tool sports modern design cues, yet it’s still a classic dubbing twister for fly tying. Novice or a seasoned fly tier, the Smhaen Master Dubbing Twister gives you complete control over your dubbing loops. The master dubbing twister will spin the…
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Deneki Outdoors YouTube Channel
Yes, we have a Youtube Channel and it is filled with a plethora of how-to videos, tips, and fly fishing entertainment for your viewing pleasure. If you’re viewing this on the Newsletter click here to watch the video on our Youtube Channel Here. If you’re reading this on the Newsletter, click here to watch the…
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Passing Time: Books to Read
What exactly do people get from reading books? Is it pleasure, knowledge, or are there other benefits beyond enjoyment and enlightenment? The scientific answer is yes. Reading books strengthens your brain. Research shows reading literally changes your mind by enhancing your physical and cognitive health. So do yourself a favor…as the days get shorter, turn…
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Aqua Flies: Ultra Rig Kit
Stinger-style flies are the way to go when it comes to fishing on the swing. Typically tied with wire or braid, both have their respective challenges. A wire is brittle, hard to work with, and you can’t change out flies very easily, especially in the cold. If you use braid, it is soft, so larger…
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