No, we’re not talking about a Gotcha, they work great on South Andros! We’re talking about that subtle brownish discoloration at the back of the fly. That’s a sign of rust, and that’s a bad thing. While stainless hooks certainly hold up better in saltwater, they are not rust proof. Rinsing off your flies with freshwater…
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Search Results for: fly tying
The Predator – Tying Instructions
Steelhead flies can range from surprisingly simple to extremely complex. However, one feature that most effective steelhead flies have in common is their ability to suggest life as they swing through the water column. In other words, they have great movement in the water. So, today we’re coming at you with a relatively simple pattern…
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Steelie Pot Bellied Pig – Tying Instructions
Every once in a while we like to run step by step tying instructions for some of our favorite patterns at our lodges, and judging by your comments, you like them too! Because of this, we ran a post earlier this month asking what fly patterns you want us to tie on our blog. The resounding…
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The Foxy Leech – Tying Instructions
Contrary to popular belief, flies don’t have to be incredibly complex to catch fish. In fact, often times the most effective flies are the simplest. Bunny leech style flies are a prime example. When tied in varying sizes and colors, the bunny leech is an extremely effective fly for trout, steelhead, salmon, or many other cold water…
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Stu’s Tube Mouse – Tying Instructions
We dig tube flies, and we really love catching big Alaskan trout on mouse patterns. So, naturally we think mouse patterns tied on tubes are pretty darn cool. One of the most creative (and fishy) tube mice we’ve seen is that pictured above, created by our good friend and professional fly tyer, Stuart Foxall. We thought…
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Spicing Up Your Fly With a Bead
There’s no denying the effectiveness of bead fishing for trout in Alaska. As the prolific runs of salmon in Western Alaska approach the end of their migration, thousands of eggs are released by each female salmon providing millions (if not billions) of protein-rich morsels for our resident rainbow trout, Arctic grayling, and dolly varden. The…
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The Rubber Legged Gotcha – Tying Instructions
It’s no secret that the Gotcha is one of the greatest bonefish flies of all time. We’d go out on a whim and say it has probably caught more bonefish than any other fly pattern in the world, and we use a lot of them. However, our bonefish on South Andros really seem to have…
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Tying The Spawning Mantis Shrimp
A little over a week ago, we ran a post unveiling one of our most productive bonefish patterns at Andros South, the Spawning Mantis Shrimp, a variation of Bob Veverka’s Mantis Shrimp. Today, we’re coming at you with step by step instructions on how to tie the Spawning Mantis Shrimp, including our own little spin on…
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Last Minute Fly Fishing Gift Ideas
Still need some holiday gift ideas for a fly fisherman in your life? With the big day just around the corner, we’re down to crunch time.. Not to worry! Here are 7 great gift ideas, sure to please any fly fishing junkie. But here’s the best part, they can all be purchased online, require no…
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Intruders on the Cheap – Part 2: Tying Intruders with Rubber Legs
Last week we ran part 1 of our two part ‘Intruders on the Cheap’ series, where Stuart Foxall gave us step by step tying instructions for the Marabou Intruder, a cheaper but nonetheless effective intruder style fly pattern. Today, Stu is back with part 2 of the series with a great step by step on…
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