We dig tube flies, and we really love catching big Alaskan trout on mouse patterns. So, naturally we think mouse patterns tied on tubes are pretty darn cool. One of the most creative (and fishy) tube mice we’ve seen is that pictured above, created by our good friend and professional fly tyer, Stuart Foxall.
We thought you might appreciate how to tie such a killer pattern, so we asked Stu to put together the step by step, and guess what, he did! Thanks Stuart!
Stu’s Tube Mouse – Tying Instructions
Most of us have a favorite mouse pattern. While it might not be the best pattern for getting the most hook ups, it’s definitely fun to tie and always raises a smile when you see it in your box. I like fishing with deer hair mice more than foam as grayling find it easier to suck the deer hair into their mouths. Sometimes foam mice get “bumped” by species with smaller mouths such as grayling.

Just remember to squeak, squeak as you give it a swim!
Want to learn how to tie this and other awesome patterns from the man himself? Stuart will be hosting two weeks at Alaska West this summer during some of the best mouse fishing of the year! Drop us a line for more information.
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