Our staff will help you take care of your equipment! As you know, saltwater is corrosive and hard on gear. At Andros South, every day after fishing we will thoroughly wash your equipment with fresh water so you won’t be seeing rust on your rod or reel any time soon. A piece of friendly advice,…
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Andros South
Timeless Tips // Bonefish Flats to Avoid
Are you a DIY saltwater angler, looking for the silver ghost and not getting many shots? How high is the tide? If it is to the point where the mangroves lining the flats are filled with water, you need to find another flat. Fish will follow the tide up into the mangroves and use them…
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Winter Bonefish
We know that it is the middle of summer but one of our Andros South guests, Barry Abbott, has us thinking about the salty flats today. He sent us this photo of a trophy bonefish that his boat partner Barry Read got with Torrie last November. October, November, and December are the most underrated months…
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Timeless Tips // The Strip Set
Saltwater guides worldwide know they are in for a frustrating day when they have a trout fisherman on the bow of their boat. The process of going from setting the hook with the rod tip (aka, the trout set) to strip setting is a right of passage every saltwater angler must pass. Unfortunately, the best…
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You Don’t Have to Fish to Enjoy Andros South
Our season down at Andros South just wrapped up but the bookings for next year are already coming in. Obviously the bonefishing is the main attraction when booking a trip to this lodge. I mean it is the best bonefishing on the planet but we do occasionally have guests that like to tag along and…
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Timeless Tips // Don’t False Cast On Top Of Your Target
The more proficient and comfortable you get at double hauling, the less false casts you will find yourself doing. Getting line out with the fewest possible false casts is the goal. Until you get to that point, you will find yourself doing extra false casts to generate line speed and add distance to your cast. …
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Closing the Books on Another Fantastic Season at Andros South
This past weekend marked the last fishing days of the season at Andros South. As with every year, it is a bitter sweet weekend. We had a lot to celebrate. This season saw countless anglers land their biggest ever bonefish. When not fishing, we were able to spend time with our incredible guests and share…
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5 Things Bonefish Hate
We are in the business of helping people catch more fish. Usually this involves us sharing tips on what various species of fish like. Equally as important but often undiscussed are examples of things fish do NOT like. Being familiar with things that spook fish and avoiding them is a great way to increase your…
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A Bonefish River
Although we never get sick of fishing the endless flats of Andros South, some of the time we like to focus on the smaller water. This mangrove lined channel made me feel like I was fishing a small trout stream but for big bonefish. We polled slowly through the opening and would get close shots…
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No Sun, No Problem!
Sight fishing is obviously our preferred way to target bonefish but when you have guides like Josie Sands on the polling platform, he will help you get it done regardless of the weather. Winners adjust out there and rainy days do occasionally happen, even in paradise. If Josie Sands or one of the other incredible…
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