Are any of our loyal guests or readers looking for a new fur child? We have an important message from Liz Fincher and Max Pushak, our Operations Mangers at Andros South and Rapids Camp.
“If you don’t know what potcakes are, check this previous post out! We’ve made some new friends over the 2019 season. I think it might have something to do with a bucket of dog food, but who knows? Our potcakes keep an eye on the property throughout the night, making sure no turkey vulture comes by to pick off socks that are hanging out to dry. They also provide high-quality entertainment and hugs for those who are missing their furry friend at home.

Unfortunately for these little pups, there’s no veterinary clinic on Andros Island. But, thanks to the help of Nassau-based vets, Dr. Dorsette, and Dr. Springer, we were able to provide some much-needed veterinary services throughout the season! Sometimes we flew to the vet, and sometimes the vets flew to us. One of our potcakes, Thunder, spent a month in Nassau for chemo treatments and is back now, tumor-free and extra waggly!
I want to thank YOU, the guests! We were able to get financial assistance in making all of this happen — chemotherapy, vaccinations, dog food, etc.— through the generous contributions of a few of you amazing anglers. I tip my hat off to you my friends. We appreciate it more than you know.

We were lucky enough to team up with Roy and Sondra Armstrong of Oregon-based Potcake Aviation to help get these pups to good homes and our two fosters are now living in California and Texas! We had ten new potcake puppies vaccinated last weekend by Dr. Springer and they now all have current health certificates and are ready to find their fur-ever homes! If you are interested or would like to help assist in any way, reach out to Liz — lizf@denekistaging.wpengine.com. They will need to be picked up from Ft. Lauderdale Sunday 4/21 or Monday 4/22.”
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions!
More on Dogs from the Bahamas:
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