And once again you get to learn about how the experts rig themselves to fish for trout in Alaska!
Today’s rig is a little different from your more common “target and land giant rainbows in big water” setup, and it comes courtesy of Kevin Price. Kevin is one of the finer guides in Northern California, and he’s on the Scott, Idylwilde and Scientific Anglers pro staffs. Oh yeah – he’s also put in some time at a lodge up North called Alaska West.
Kevin likes fishing really small water for trout in Alaska, and it shows in his rig. Have a look for a different take on Alaskan trout fishing!
The Summary
- Scott S4 804/4 – an 8 foot 4 weight [A 4 weight for Alaska? Yep, read on.]
- Ross Evolution LT #2
- Scientific Anglers Sharkskin Ultimate Trout Double Taper #4 [A double taper for Alaska? Yep, read on.]
The Detail
- 30 pound Dacron backing attached to the spool with an arbor knot. “I use 30 just so I’m not worried if I happen to switch this reel over to a heavier rig.”
- Albright knot from the backing to the back of the fly line.
- Scientific Anglers 7.5′ 2x Trout leader attached to the front of the fly line with the factory loops and a loop to loop connection.
- Tippet of Scientific Anglers Fluorocarbon II 1x attached to the leader with a blood knot.
- Idylwilde Garrett’s Belly Dancer Bullhead #10 in Olive, tied on with a non-slip mono loop. “I like it because it’s got a good amount of weight, but because it rides hook up it doesn’t snag up much.”
The Commentary
“I tend to fish more of the braids on the Kanektok and the Arolik, and more of the smaller water, so I use a little smaller rods and smaller reels. The small water is a little more intimate. 95% of it is sight fishing – you’re seeing the specific fish that you want to catch, and I really like that.”
“I like the double taper line because it roll casts easier, and it presents the fly a lot softer than a weight forward line.”
“Shorter rods are easier in those little channels with lots of brush and cover. A rod that’s a foot smaller and a little softer helps a lot with roll casting. That rod plus the double taper also makes it easier to load the rod at short distance.”
“A rod like that S4 4 weight will turn over a fairly decent sized fly. I’ve seen some pretty good sized fish landed on these types of rods even though they’re smaller than typical for Western Alaska. The water is I like to fish is totally gin clear and really shallow – so the lighter line matters.”
[…] Kevin Price’s Trout Rig […]