Happy Thanksgiving!
Here at Deneki Outdoors we’re really lucky to get to fish all the time in four of the most incredible fisheries in the world.
In fact, we’ve got a lot of things to be thankful for. Here are the first 10 that came to mind.
- The fact that bonefish on South Andros tail, a lot.
- The chance to fish with our families.
- The electric grab of a Dean River steelhead.
- The reassuring rumble of a 40 horse Yamaha outboard.
- The fun of watching a buddy land a great fish.
- The tendency of Kanektok and Arolik rainbows to eat mouse flies.
- Cantaria beetles, and the fish that eat them.
- ‘Cuda fishin’.
- The feeling of ‘hitting’ a great spey cast.
- The joy of catching a fish on a good friend’s fly.
What in the world of fishing are you thankful for? Leave us a comment and let us know!
We are thankful that there are people like yourself Andrew and Mike Sanders who understand that with access to the great fishing places in the world comes a responsibility to provide a quality product. at a fair price, but yet a priceless experience. We are thankful that you both understand that people are the heart of any organization whether it be staff or clients. Treating both well is the key to acquiring both. We are thankful that you both appreciate, respect and protect the land and fishing that are a part of the custodial responsibilities you assume when granted use of the resource. We are thankful for the opportunity to have our children experience Alaska West and are thankful for the part it and you both have played in their upbringing. Most of all were are thankful for a world in which such great places exist, a Lord that could design such, and to count both of you as “friends of the family.”
Your weekly newsletter, keeps my mind close to fishing and the fish even when I am not.
Steelhead, and the ability to continue to fish the great places where they live. The growing awareness that keeps these fish at the top.
The continued efforts of conservationists and anglers alike.
Sage rods, big intruders, and the blessing that I can enjoy all of these things.
Happy Holidays to all.