When it comes to tying leaders or attaching tippet, the blood knot is one of the most widely used knots in fly fishing. That being said, we find many anglers (even experienced ones) are intimidated by the blood knot, and to that we say; don’t be! Like any skill worth learning, knot tying takes practice…
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The Uni Knot – One Knot to Rule Them All
There are many ways to lose a fish, but there’s no way more disheartening than losing a fish to a faulty knot. Make no mistake, knot tying is a skill, and anglers who can tie good knots bring more fish to hand. There are many great fly fishing knots out there, most of which are…
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Attaching Fluorocarbon to Nylon (Mono) – Avoid Blood Knots
The debate over nylon monofilament and fluorocarbon leader and tippet material has been alive and well since fluorocarbon was first introduced. There are many advantages and disadvantages of both materials, not the least of which is price. Fluorocarbon is far more expensive than nylon (mono), which is why many anglers prefer to attach pricey fluorocarbon…
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Rigging for Bonefish – Say No to Nail Knots
Direct nail knots that is.. With less than a week out from the opening day of our bonefishing season at Andros South, our focus has turned to dialing in our saltwater gear, and we have a feeling the same is true for many of you as well! As you might expect, we see a lot…
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The King Sling Loop
Bad knots are a bummer.. But even a knot tied to perfection is often still the weakest link of any setup. That’s why successful anglers are usually pretty particular about the knots they use. We’re asked all the time what our ‘knot of choice’ is for particular rigging situations, and one question we hear often is…
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Repairing a Broken Fly Line Loop
For many anglers, nail knots are a thing of the past. Most fly lines available today come with a welded loop on the leader end of the line to connect your leader via loop to loop connections. However, no fly line lasts forever, and over time welded loops can crack, split, or sometimes break completely! Odds…
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The Double Bimini Twist
When it comes to connecting backing to fly line via loop to loop connections, there’s no doubt that the bimini twist is one the best knots of all time. Generally considered to provide 100% line strength, the twisted construction of the bimini twist actually allows the knot to stretch slightly, thus providing a knot strength…
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6 Tips for Tying Better Knots
It’s true that the weakest connection in any line or leader is a knot. However, it’s also true that experienced anglers rarely lose fish to knot failure. Break-offs are a bummer.. Here are 6 tips to tying better, stronger knots. Lubricate EACH Step. Most anglers know that its always a good idea to lubricate your knots….
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What’s Your Favorite Tippet to Fly Knot?
It’s been a while since we’ve ran a poll here on the Deneki blog, so today it’s poll time! We love hearing from you, our readers, on all aspects of fly fishing. We’ve ran polls in the past on everything from your favorite switch rod, to your favorite backing for bonefish, and everything in between. Oddly enough,…
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Rigging With Wire – The Jam Knot
We really like throwing flies to barracuda at Andros South. They’re big, aggressive, and amazingly fast. They also have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, which we think just adds to the excitement. Monofilament doesn’t last too long around barracuda, so we make sure to use a leader ending in 18 inches or so of…
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