That’s right, we’re hopping on the New Years Resolution bandwagon.. Our resolution? Simple. Keep providing you with a daily dose of the most engaging, informative, and/or interesting fly fishing content we can. To do that, we like to check in from time to time in order to get a feel for how we’re doing, and…
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Search Results for: fly tying
‘Ed Ward Style’ Intruders with Stuart Foxall
We’re in the heat of our king salmon season at Alaska West, which means we’re tying on a lot of intruder-style flies these days. Why? Because by its very nature, the intruder was designed to incorporate minimal materials (for ease of casting) while still presenting a large profile in the water (something that tends to…
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What Vise Do You Tie On?
We love tying flies, and we know many of you do too. However, as much as we love telling you about our favorite fly patterns, tools, and materials in the world of fly tying, sometimes we like to hear from you! Today is one of those days. That’s right, it’s poll time again on the…
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UTC Ultra Thread – One Thread to Rule Them All
There are a staggering number of different fly tying threads available these days. Like anything, each has its advantages, disadvantages, and is subject to a great deal of personal preference. However, when it comes to tying threads, we’ve long been fans of UTC’s Ultra Thread for its versatility and massive color selection – something we find…
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Dubbing Management – 3 Methods
Without a doubt, dubbing is one of the most versatile tying materials of all time. In fact, we’d go so far as to say there isn’t a material out there that can be incorporated into a fly in more ways than dubbing can. However, regardless of its versatility, working with dubbing is not overly straight forward,…
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HMH Standard Vise Review
There are many great fly tying vises out there, and if holding a hook in place is your main objective, we’d go so far as to say you probably can’t go wrong with any of the ‘premium’ vises available today. However, those who spend countless hours at the bench know that not all vises are…
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HMH Releases New Shank Adapter Tool
When it comes to species like salmon, steelhead, and even large resident trout, we tie a lot of stinger style flies over the course of a year. Although, when tying stinger style patterns, not all shanks are created equal, and a while back we told you how much we really like tying on OPST’s Steelhead Shanks….
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What Do You Want Us to Write About?
In the nearly 8 years since the inception of our humble little fly fishing blog, we’re happy to report that our online fly fishing community continues to grow! That makes us really happy and we have each and every one of you to thank for it. Some of you have been following along with us…
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Dueling Vises
This past week we had the good fortune of fishing with our good friend and professional fly designer, Stuart Foxall. For those of you who follow along on a regular basis, you may recognize Stu’s name from all the awesome fly tying posts he’s put together for us over the last few years. During his stay…
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Clear Cure Goo Hydro – Why We Like It
While our summer seasons have officially begun, for the past few months our guides have been busy preparing for the season, organizing gear, and primarily tying flies.. A lot of flies! Over the past few years, we’ve noticed one thing has become a staple in many of our guide’s fly tying kits, and that is Clear Cure…
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