When swinging for anadramous species like king salmon or steelhead, more often than not, the slower the swing the better. As long as it is moving just enough to suggest life in your fly, odds are you are in the game. However, from time to time, increasing the speed of your swing can be just…
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Hot Topic: Fish Handling
When it comes to fishing, particularly fly fishing, one of the biggest issues is fish handling. Fish mortality is a sensitive topic. We didn’t use the word “controversial” intentionally as it’s not so much a controversy but more of a matter of polarizing perspective and context. As fly anglers, we should assume all fly fishing…
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Deneki Chronicles: Casting Short for Bonefish – 3 Tips
We say it all the time, but at Andros South you don’t need to cast very far to catch bonefish. Most of our shots are within the 30-40 foot range, with many creeping in even closer. We know, we know, everybody wants to know how to cast further, but contrary to popular belief, some of…
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Deneki Chronicles: Swinging Flies – Don’t Block Your Hookset
In any avenue of fly fishing, one thing that separates successful anglers from not-so-successful anglers is complete, undivided, fully engaged, focus whenever your fly is in the water. Many fish are lost (or perhaps never hooked at all) from anglers who’s minds were wandering or whom were not expecting a fish to eat the fly in…
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Spey Casts You Need to Learn
When it comes to Spey casting, everyone has their “go-to” cast. Your go-to cast is probably the first Spey cast you learned, and since you got good at it, you’ve built confidence, you stuck with it. We get it. We’ve been there too. The reality is mother nature, and the river itself can put you…
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Deneki Chronicles: 6 Tips for Bonefishing in Windy Conditions
When fishing for bonefish, rarely can you expect a day entirely free of wind. In fact, most experienced flats anglers would agree that those completely calm days can be extremely challenging due to spooky fish. While a light wind can be your friend on the flats, there are times when it can be a little…
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Deneki Chronicles: Spey Casting – The Lift
Many spey casting faults can be traced all the way back to the very beginning of the cast, that’s right, on the lift. It’s the lift that sets the stage for a well executed cast, yet it receives little attention from those looking to fine-tune their casting. However, we won’t waste time trying to convince you…
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Deneki Chronicles: When to Set the Hook When Swinging Flies – North 40 Video
When swinging flies for salmon and steelhead, one of the most common faults we see on a regular basis from our anglers is setting the hook too early. In most avenues of fly fishing (trout, bass, bonefish, you name it), setting the hook quickly is critical in order to establish tension and ensure a solid…
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Deneki Chronicles: Bonefishing – The Advanced Ready Position
Contrary to popular belief, being able to cast your entire fly line with pinpoint accuracy is not necessary when fishing for bonefish. Far more important than casting a long line is how quickly you can get the fly in front of the fish. Therefore, a good ready position on the bow is critical. The simplest…
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Aqua Flies: Ultra Rig Kit
Stinger-style flies are the way to go when it comes to fishing on the swing. Typically tied with wire or braid, both have their respective challenges. A wire is brittle, hard to work with, and you can’t change out flies very easily, especially in the cold. If you use braid, it is soft, so larger…
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