Ever wondered whether your fly is swinging at the right depth, at the right speed, or even in the right water for the quarry at hand? We receive comments all the time about how or where the fly should be traveling when swinging for anadramous species, and for good reason.. It’s tough! Thanks to long-time spey-guru…
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Removing a Hook From Your Skin
If you fish often enough, it’s only a matter of time before you are faced with having to remove a hook from either yourself or a fellow angler. Safely removing a hook is actually quite simple, but we’ve found that many anglers do not know how, or are unsure of the method they’ve heard of…
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Splicing a Loop in Miracle Braid (or Backing)
One of our favorite running lines for skagit style spey casting is Airflo’s Miracle Braid. It handles well in all conditions, shoots like a rocket, and better yet, it floats! Not to mention it sounds super cool as it zips through the guides. Creating a loop in Miracle Braid to attach to a skagit head or backing can be…
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The Tool Every Angler Should Have On Them (But Probably Doesn’t)
For the most part, fly fisherman are gear heads.. and we’re certainly no exception! The amount of gadgets and gizmos on the market for today’s techie fly fisherman are endless. However, we are always surprised with the number of guests we fish with who have everything imaginable in their vest or pack EXCEPT a hook…
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Tying Steelhead Skaters
We like hearing about what you, our readers, want to see more of on our blog. We want to give you what you want.. After all, it’s your interest that allows us to do what we love to do! Therefore, we were excited when we received a comment last week from one of you, requesting a step…
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Stu’s Quick-Tie Sculpin Tube Fly – Tying Instructions
When we asked you, what you would like to see more of on our blog, many of you suggested we run more step by step fly tying posts. Some of you were a little more specific, requesting tying instructions on some of our favorite sculpin patterns. A few of you even requested information on tying…
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‘Wind’ Knot in Your Leader? Don’t Neglect It!
It’s safe to say that there’s no such thing as a ‘wind’ knot. Blaming the wind for the knots found in your leader is nothing more than excuse for a few common casting flaws. Nonetheless, knots find their way into the leaders of even the best casters from time to time, so to protect our ego, we…
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Reading Trout Water – Simplified
How to identify those areas most likely to hold fish, aka reading water, is one of the most requested topics our humble little blog receives each year. It’s no surprise however, reading water well is a skill that requires countless hours on the water to posses. It can be an extremely complex subject.. Entire books have been…
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Understanding Fly Line Profiles
Choosing the best fly line for your angling pursuits is the most important consideration of any fly rod setup. Contrary to popular belief, the fly line is the most ‘technically driven’ piece of equipment. Yes, more so than your high modulus graphite or sealed carbon fiber disc drags. There are a wide range of fly lines available today…
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Universal Fly Fishing Tip – Soak Your Fly
Today we present you with a common sense, yet not so commonly practiced tip courtesy of Alaska West guide, Grant Turner. If you’ve ever spent a day in Grant’s boat, odds are after tying on a fresh new fly you’ve heard him say, “tea-bag your fly!” In other words, soak your fly until it is…
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