How to identify those areas most likely to hold fish, aka reading water, is one of the most requested topics our humble little blog receives each year. It’s no surprise however, reading water well is a skill that requires countless hours on the water to posses. It can be an extremely complex subject.. Entire books have been written on it!
However, today we present you with a super-simplified take on reading trout water to help take some of the mystery out of locating fish. The next time you find yourself in a river, perplexed on where to make your next cast, look for the following.. Where fast water meets slow water.
We could talk about prime lies, types of structure, eddies and the like, but for the most part, targeting areas where fast water meets slow water will get the job done. Think about it for a second.. The fast water rushing up against a boulder creates a pocket of slower water above and below the boulder.. A great spot to find trout! Or, a seam of heavy current rips through the middle of a river, creating a slow moving back eddy towards the banks.. A great feeding lane for trout!
Are there exceptions? Of course, its still fishing after all! However, instead of trying to memorize water types or structure, simplify your trout game and focus on the visual.. Find where fast water meets slow water, and you’ll find trout.
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