Just a reassuring reminder that it happens to all of us. Unfortunately for us, we tend to fish with people who get a kick out of taking photos when we’re hung up. Have fun out there! Posts on Spey Casting in Tight Quarters Back Against the Wall Casting Stations Less Overhang
Steelie Pot Bellied Pig – Tying Instructions
Every once in a while we like to run step by step tying instructions for some of our favorite patterns at our lodges, and judging by your comments, you like them too! Because of this, we ran a post earlier this month asking what fly patterns you want us to tie on our blog. The resounding…
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10 Commonly Forgotten Items on Fishing Trips
We operate fishing lodges in some rather remote locations, pretty far removed from drug stores, big box stores, and fly shops. Therefore, we encourage our guests to bring along any non-fishing items that they feel would make their trip more enjoyable. Over the years we’ve noticed some common items that are needed by our guests during their trip. Most…
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Trout Fishing – Swing Out Your Drift
It’s safe to say, more trout are hooked dead drifting sub-surface patterns than by any other technique. Whether fishing gaudy flesh and egg patterns in Alaska, or delicate nymphs on your local trout stream, there’s no denying imitating a natural drift works. However, we’ve all been there; you finish your drift, start to make your…
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6 Tips for Landing Big Fish
A while back we ran a post on the top 5 mistakes made fighting big fish, where we highlighted some of the most common mistakes we see at our lodges in Alaska and British Columbia when fighting big fish like steelhead and salmon. However, fighting fish well does not always put the fish in the net. In…
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Fly Fishing Travel Tips – Roundup
We spend a lot of time traveling to and from our fishing lodges around the world, and we’ve picked up a few tips for the traveling angler along the way. We’ve also had the good fortune of spending time with of our well traveled guests, many of whom have shared their experiences with us as…
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Sight Fishing for Trout – 10 Tips
We’re really lucky to have an extremely diverse trout fishery at Alaska West. It’s not uncommon during any part of our season to catch trout by swinging flies, stripping streamers, dead drifting sub-surface patterns, or skating mouse flies on top. However, one of our favorite ways to target big leopard rainbows is by sight fishing…
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Fishing Photography 101 – The Rule of Thirds
Photography has become a big part of the fly fishing culture, and we’re fortunate to fish with some pretty incredible photographers at our lodges. We’ve received a few requests in the past for more information on fly fishing photography, so today we thought we’d share a super simple tip to help you take better photos!…
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Stay Classy
Modern intruders and tube flies are cool, and we fish a lot of them. However, today we’re coming at you with a friendly reminder that the classic patterns still work too! In fact, it’s safe to say that anglers have been catching steelhead and salmon on classic style flies for far longer than they have with larger…
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Carry a Permanent Marker
The ability to adapt to changing conditions is often the key to success on the water. Although we’d all love to have every fly, gadget, or gizmo with us to tackle anything mother nature throws at us, it’s not necessary, not to mention expensive! So, today we offer you some super simple advice to help…
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