Last week we ran a post asking you, our readers, what you’d like to read about on our blog. We received a bunch of great comments and questions, one of which is the topic for today’s post: “When things (flies, techniques) aren’t working, how do you solve the riddle?“ There are an uncountable number of variables present…
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False Cast Short of Your Target
As anyone who has done a bit of flats fishing can tell you, bonefish can be a spooky fish. Seeing as how many predators swim in the waters where bonefish live, its no surprise they seem a little ‘on edge’ most of the time. However, not only are bonefish constantly on the lookout for predators under…
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Keep Your Rod Tip High on Shallow Flats
We talk all the time about getting ‘down and dirty‘ when fighting big fish – fighting with the rod tip low and to the side. Doing so allows the rod to bend deep into the butt section, where the most power is, enabling you to put the heat on big hard-fighting fish. The down and…
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Casting to Tailing Bonefish
You’ve stalked, searched, and finally spotted perhaps the most exciting thing in bonefishing, a tailing bonefish.. Now what? Tailing fish can make even the most experienced anglers weak in the knees. Not to worry, the next time you spot a tailer, follow these steps to make the best shot possible. Relax! Tailing fish are happy…
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Finish Your Swing with Some Action
Here’s a scenario that most two handed anglers can relate to; You’ve made a nice cast to the opposite bank, kicked over a big mend, and stepped down the run setting up your swing to perfection. Your fly tracks through the gut of the run at that magical speed at what you’re confident is the…
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3 Tips to Catch More ‘Cuda
We might have bonefish on the brain, but at Andros South a day of bonefishing also means an opportunity for a shot at some big feisty barracuda in the process. ‘Cuda are a blast to target on the fly, but contrary to popular belief they can also be quite challenging. Here are a few tips…
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Breaking Down Fly Rods for Quick Transport
Most of us have spent a day on the water with someone who’s gear situation seems exceptionally well organized, from the layout of their boat to the packing of their truck. Heck, you might even be that person! If you’re not that person, you may have wondered why anyone would take the time to be so…
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Trout Lies – Presenting to Submerged Structures
Today’s tip falls within the ‘common mistakes we see a lot of’ category. Most of us are well aware that any in-river structure (rocks, logs, snags, tundra clumps, ect.) make for potential holding lies for trout. Any object able to break up the speed of the current provides the opportunity for trout to hold comfortably in…
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Sight Fishing for Trout – 3 Tips
2016 brought higher than average water levels to our home river at Alaska West, greatly improving our opportunity to target trout in one of our favorite ways – Stalking them on foot in smaller, intimate, side channels and sight fishing for them! We’ve ran a few posts in the past on some tips for sight…
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Fighting Fish – Make ‘Em Earn the Reel
‘Tis the season for fighting fish! August in Alaska brings fast paced action for big feisty fish, and that means there’s no shortage of practice for fighting (and hopefully landing) fish. During this part of our season we see hundreds (yes, hundreds) of fish fought each week, and with that we’re able to get a good idea…
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