On the Kanektok River where we operate Alaska West, and on other rivers like it in Western Alaska, the classic method for catching silver salmon on flies involves targeting them in slow-moving water, casting a floating line, and stripping back a weighted fly. Here are 6 ways to make the most of this technique. Keep in mind that…
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Three (More) Things Bonefish Hate
Way back in the ancient year of 2012, we reminded you that sometimes the key to catching bonefish is not necessarily doing everything especially well, rather avoiding the things that bonefish hate most instead. Well, it turns out there a few other things that bonefish hate.. Avoid these and you’re apt to catch more fish. Three…
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Timeless Tip Tuesday: King Season Mantra – Stand Your Ground
Whether it’s a choker king fresh from the Dean Channel or that gagger Alaskan Chinook melting away yards of your backing, one thing’s for certain: This is no time for a Junior Varsity track meet. When that mega-king blasts off into hyperdrive—and make no mistake, it will— there’s always the temptation to chase it down, so remember…
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Strong Shoulder Spey Casting Tips from Airflo
Last week we shared with you a great video from the folks at Airflo featuring some great spey casting tips when fishing shorter skagit-style heads on switch rods. In case you missed it, make sure to give it a watch by clicking right here. Well, they’re at it again, this time with some helpful tips…
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5 (More) Tips for Bigger Bonefish
A while back we presented you with 5 tips for targeting bigger bonefish. We have a feeling a few of you out there like the idea of catching big bonefish, which is why today we’re coming at you with.. 5 (More) Tips for Bigger Bonefish Land Your Fly Close. As the old adage goes, big fish…
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Spey Casting Tips for Switch Rods from Airflo
In case you haven’t heard, earlier this year the folks at Airflo introduced their latest spey line, the Skagit Scout – Their shortest skagit head to date designed to make easy work of switch rods, shorter spey rods, and single hand spey casts. With their release of the Skagit Scout, they’ve also been pumping out some…
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Stay in Control – Incorporate Weight Into Your Streamers
We all love fishing for trout with surface flies, and in our neck of the woods, there’s nothing quite like watching a trout inhale a rodent.. However, at the end of the day, its arguable that the most effective way to chase these big Alaskan bad boys over the course of a season is to…
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Accelerate Your Strip
When stripping flies for bonefish, its crucial to stay in contact with your fly at all times. Doing so allows you to feel the instant the fish has taking the fly, thus enabling you quickly bury the hook home with a nice long strip-set. That’s easier said than done however, and a common frustration we hear…
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When in Doubt, Go Gotcha
If you’ve been following our blog for some time, you’ve read on more than one occasion that our bonefish population on South Andros aren’t overly ‘selective’ when it comes to fly pattern. Many, many different fly patterns work well on our flats over the course of the season. It’s a fly tyer’s paradise! With that said,…
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5 Tips for Bigger Bonefish
Not all bonefish are created equal, and at Andros South we’re really fortunate to have what we think is a healthy balance of quality and quantity when it comes to bonefish. For the most part, our anglers are able to target large numbers of fish (generally smaller on average), or stalk fewer fish (but generally larger…
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