If you’ve been following our blog for some time, you’ve read on more than one occasion that our bonefish population on South Andros aren’t overly ‘selective’ when it comes to fly pattern. Many, many different fly patterns work well on our flats over the course of the season. It’s a fly tyer’s paradise!
With that said, they’re still bonefish, and even in our neck of the woods they can become a bit timid at times. When that happens, our guides reach for one fly, and one fly only, the old stand-by, the Gotcha.
It’s safe to say that a plain ol’ tan and pearl Gotcha, in a size 2 or 4, with medium or large bead-chain eyes, has accounted for more bonefish in our waters than any other fly pattern in history. Day in and day out, it continues to produce, and while we love trying out new fly patterns, when the going gets tough, the Gotcha is hard to beat.
When in doubt, go Gotcha.. You won’t regret it.
Just there last week, and it was like the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. You could fish a plain Gotcha, a Gotcha with legs, one with lead eyes, one with a rabbit tail thrown in, a white one, you-name-it. But the Gotcha has major market share Down South for a reason.