We’re currently in the midst of our king salmon season at Alaska West and BC West. These are not your normal king fisheries – we’re swinging flies for hot chrome fish just a few miles for the salt, and that really turns our crank! Needless to say, we’ve got kings on the brain so we thought we’d pass…
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Bush Rigging Broken Wading Boot Laces
There’s nothing quite like yanking on the laces of your wading boots in anticipation of a full day on the water when.. Snap! They finally give way. Broken laces are a bummer, but whether or not you’ve got a spare pair of laces in your boat bag, they don’t have to sour your day. Take…
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The Finer Points of Finer Points – How to Sharpen Hooks
A while back we told you about our favorite method for testing whether the hook on your fly is sharp enough or whether it’s in desperate need of a touch-up. After all, it doesn’t take much to dull a sharp hook, which is why we think a simple hook file is one of the most…
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Timeless Tips: Talking Salmon to a Steelheader
Jason Koertge has caught a lot of fish on swung flies. Besides having landed 52% of the kings and steelhead that have swum into Oregon since 2003, Jason has also chased kings with us on the Kanektok and the Dean as well. Needless to say, he’s learned a lot in the process, and in particular…
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Better Backcast Presentations – Roundup
For the last five weeks we’ve been coming at you with some common faults and fixes on one of the most important casts in fly fishing; presenting the fly on the backcast. Today, we thought we’d present you with a handy roundup of all our posts on how to (and how not to) effectively deliver…
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Old Head Cement for Tougher Flies
A couple months back, our pal and world renowned fly tyer, Stuart Foxall, showed us a clever way to repair split jungle cock nails using old, overly tacky, and otherwise unusable head cement/varnish. Stu recently showed us another use for that old tacky cement/varnish.. Adding durability to your flies! Old cement/varnish in which the solvent…
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Timeless Tips: Point Your Rod at That Bonefish
We’ve gone on a few diatribes over the years about how to set the hook on a bonefish – here’s our most thorough post on the topic. One of the points that we stress the most (partly because we’re all guilty of screwing it up from time to time) is the importance of keeping your…
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River Etiquette
Fly fishing is a fraternity, and the level of camaraderie that can develop between two complete strangers upon learning that each prefers to fish with a fly rod never ceases to impress us. We see it every single week at our lodges and we’re sure you’ve experienced it on your home waters too. However, sometimes…
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The Stain Remover – Tying Instructions
A while back our pal, Daniel Cope, gave us a great fly tying step by step on his go-to pattern for coastal steelhead; the Steelhead Phantam. For those who don’t know Daniel, he’s one heck of a fly tyer. He’s also a frequenter of our humble little blog, so naturally we were honored when he…
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Better Backcast Presentations – Part 5: Forgotten Fundamentals
Today is our fifth and final post of our tip series on better backcast presentations. So far we’ve touched on techniques for increasing strength and power to the backstroke, the importance of staying square to track straight towards your target, how exaggerating your haul can help bend the rod the necessary amount on the backcast,…
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