When we talk about swinging flies, most people initially think of anadromous fish like wild Steelhead or King Salmon. Another species we like to chase in the winter with our two handed rods are resident trout. Despite the cold water temperatures in wintertime causing the metabolism of a trout to slow down, they are still…
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Timeless Tips // Proper Bonefish Retrieval
We could spend hours talking about Bonefish. They are our favorite saltwater fish to chase and we strongly believe that the habits learned in bonefishing will help you become a much better flats angler, regardless of the species you are targeting. There are a ton of articles going over casting on the flats and an…
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Fly Fishing Photography // The Grip n Grin
The appropriately named “Grip n Grin” aka “Hero Shot” has taken on an interesting stigma of late. Instagram and social media trolls combined with the “keep em wet” movement have people taking fewer and fewer photos of a person simply smiling, holding a fish. Overall I would say this is a positive trend. We should…
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Timeless Tips // Point and Pivot Slowly On The Bow
We’ve talked in length about how important it is to be on the same page as your guide. 20 feet to him may look like 30 feet to you. Once you are on the same page in regards to distance (I always use the length of the boat as a good reference point for you…
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Double Haul Round Up
It has been awhile since we did a “Round Up” post where we gather up some of our favorite previous articles on popular fly fishing topics. Today we wanted to go over the Double Haul. A cast that will greatly increase your success when saltwater fly fishing. Line speed, timing, form and coordination are all…
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Worms for Bonefish?
Worms have a funny reputation in the fly fishing world. I am not talking about live worms hung below a bobber but even worm flies get looked down upon. The San Juan worm was probably the first fly you learned to tie if you are a trout fisherman and it has maybe even accounted for…
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Winter Trout Fishing On Tailwaters
It is almost that time of year when summer fishing spots begin to get a little icy. If you are lucky enough to live in an area with winter steelhead opportunities we are very jealous and hope you take advantage of them. If not, you may have some winter fishing options available through tailwaters. These…
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When Bonefishing, Don’t Give Up!
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a bonefish at Andros South eat on someone’s 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th shot, I would have a whole lot of nickels! It is easy to get discouraged out there if you make what you think is the perfect cast and the fish ignores your…
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Global Rescue
As you know, we love traveling the world with our fly rods in hand. We are not just talking about our own lodges here, fly fishing travel is what we do. Fly fishing is a vessel for us to experience remote places ranging from the tundra to tropical white sandy beaches. Throughout our years of…
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A Flashback to our Most Viewed Post of All Time
When looking at the metrics for our blog, there is one post that has far and above more views than any other one. It was written by Deneki alumni Kyle Shea in 2014 discussing the debates of Monofilament vs Fluorocarbon. Still a relevant topic, we wanted to re-share Kyle’s wisdom below! “While fluorocarbon leader and…
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