Since we’ll be open at Andros South next month, we thought we’d showcase a few favorite pieces of Bahamian schwag available in our online store, and also ask us what else you’d like to see from us! Our Andros South hat in Breaker Blue is a classic, and will look absolutely fetching in that shot…
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Rio Bonefish QuickShooter Line
The most interesting new fly line that we cast at IFTD in Reno last month was Rio’s new Bonefish QuickShooter. We think it’s going to be a great line for chasing bonefish around South Andros Island. Background At Andros South we tend to prefer fly lines with fairly short, heavy heads and aggressive tapers. That’s…
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Bullet Weights, Part 2: Still Crittery
Last week we gave you a glimpse into the very non-traditional world of using bullet weights with your steelhead and salmon flies. Today, more details! Next time you’re at the vise setting strategy for the ultimate Alaska West or BC West fly program, consider tying a bunch of flies without any weight. Tying on plastic…
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Bullet Weights, Part 1: The Ultimate in ‘Crittery’
Cri’tter’y – Western Alaskan adj. Shaky, unsure. Often enlightening. Always effective. Now that Skagitmaster 2’s Scott Howell virtually gave the anadromous world ‘permission’ to get all crazy Bassmaster with our flies when playing the weight game, we thought it was time to go public with the whole bullet weight thing, as well—but for a little different…
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Simms G4Z Waders Update
The granddaddy of waders is getting an update. Simms has been making their G4 waders with a zipper for a few years now. Zippered waders get a lot of flack from folks who haven’t tried them, but those of us who have spent time in them tend to agree that the zipper is the way…
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Saracione Islamorada Lever Drag Reel
We just returned from the International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Reno, where we saw a bunch of cool new products that we’ll be telling you about over the next few weeks. One of the coolest pieces of gear that we’ve seen in a long time was the Saracione Islamorada lever drag saltwater reel. Saracione…
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Echo3 7130 – Why We Like It
We recently had a chance to spend some time fishing ECHO’s new Echo3 7130 on the Deschutes River in Oregon. As you might have guessed, this is a 13 foot rod for a 7 weight line – a great format for steelhead fishing on lots of water in the Northwest. We fished the 7130 with…
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King Salmon Spey Rod Roundup
Today we wrap up our mini-series of posts about spey rods designed for king salmon. We started the series back on July 4th, with a post introducing the concepts surrounding spey rods purpose-built for kings. Based on our testing at BC West during the first week of our 2012 season, we ran reviews of 4…
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Scott King Rod Re-Review
Welcome to the fourth out of four reviews of spey rods designed for king salmon fishing. During the first week of our season at BC West this year, we built ourselves up a little quiver of big boy rods and fished them, just so we can tell you all about them. Well, actually we had…
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New Cold Weather Gear from Simms
We got a peek last week at some new gear that Simms is shipping this fall, courtesy of our friendly local Simms rep. We really liked a few of the items, so we thought we’d tell you about them! They’re all headed to your friendly local Simms dealer on or about August 1st. Guide Windstopper…
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