Your hands can get really dinged up when you’re fishing (or even worse, guiding).
Leaders and fly lines cut them up. Hooks poke them. Days with lots of rain (and/or fish releases) make them chapped and cracked. Stiff waterproof zippers, sandy anchor ropes, ratchet straps, fillet knives…yeah, your hands can get really dinged up when you’re fishing.
“Don’t turn big problems into little problems” is a rule we live by since we operate in remote areas, and that rule applies to your hands as well. Our guides know that taking good care of the little problems on their hands will prevent much bigger problems down the road.
That all leads us to New-Skin. It’s one of the best ways we’ve found to nip minor hand problems (line cuts, cracks, etc) in the bud. New-Skin Liquid Bandage is basically super glue with antiseptic in it. It comes in a little bottle with a little brush. When you get a minor cut on your hand, you brush on a little New-Skin, let it dry for a minute or so, and…dealt with. The cut is covered, the antiseptic goes to work, and you’re on to bigger and better things.
We highly recommend a bottle of New-Skin in your fishing kit.
Great tip! Any fly tying uses for this material? I wonder how it works as field expedient repair solution for well worn flies?
Thanks JK. I’m not sure I’d want to put it on flies – the antiseptic in it gives it a pretty strong odor!
Interesting factoid. I told my mother about this product a couple of years ago and how I thought it was so innovative and therapeutic. She informed me during WWII that New Skin was actually well used by almost every serviceman. Of course, they’ve improved the product since then. But it does play to the adage that “Every thing old becomes new again…”
I’ve been using it since the 1950’s to coat duck, goose, turkey, etc wing quills to keep wings from splitting. I coat and let dry the whole quill before cutting into individual slips
Nu-Skin smells bad and works fine, and takes a few seconds to set. Plain old superglue sets faster, hurts just as bad, smells a bit more acrid but does the same thing: puts split skin back together.
After a two decades of mixing and matching, I’m now just using superglue. Only problem is that opened tubes tend to harden . . . the old Aquaseal bugbear. But superglue is a lot cheaper than Nu-Skin, so I live with the inconvenience.
Great stuff!
New skin, salt water soap and bug suits were always part of the kit on the flats boat…. never go in Flamingo fishing without the bug suit…. Murphy and his brothers will visit with the B-17 Mosquitoes just when the Red fish really turn on!
Nu Skin is an excellent product, and add to that:
O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Cream at the end of the day,
Man o’man, you will all thank me!
We couldn’t agree with you more Wayne! O’Keeffe’s is a life saver for us in Alaska! In fact, we love it so much a dedicated an entire post on it’s goodness, here! Thanks for reaching out Wayne and have fun out there.
There is a typo in your text. ” Don’t turn big problems into small problems.” I think you meant don’t turn little problems into big problems.