Now is the time to chase that fish of a lifetime on our home river, the Naknek. One of the best spots on the planet to target a 30” wild rainbow trout is in the fall on the Rapids stretch of the Naknek River. Our lodge, Rapids Camp, is appropriately named as it offers us…
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Make your Waders Last!
I always tell people, there are only two types of waders, new waders, and leaky waders. Putting on a fresh new pair of waders is great, but with the price of them, it is not an event most of us can justify experiencing often. The solution? Make the waders you currently have last! First things…
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Mix It Up Out There!
It is so easy to get stuck in a grove on the water. I do it all the time. I have confidence in what I am using because it has worked before so I don’t switch things up very often. When guiding I am the exact opposite. If something that a client is using isn’t…
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A Sticky Situation, Unsticking Ferrules…
The more time you spend on the water, the more likely it is that you are going to encounter some of the slightly annoying issues that can happen when fly fishing. One of these issues that almost seems like a rite of passage that a fly angler will eventually have to face is when 2…
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Mending Lines – A Short Film
Our friends over at Fishpond just released a new video from a project they have been working on right in their backyard, the Colorado River’s headwaters. “10 years ago, the Bruchez family had a meeting to discuss what needed to be done with their family ranch on the Colorado River. Water levels weren’t what they…
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Gear We Love // Thunderhead Submersible Sling Pack
Fishpond’s new Thunderhead Submersible Sling Pack is the waterproof bag I have been waiting for. Whether you want a pack to carry everything you need for a day wading the flats or an easily accessible dry bag while floating your home rivers, you will not be disappointed with this bag. The pack is made with…
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Amy’s Ant
Meet my friend Amy. She is actually not an Ant imitation at all. Instead, she is my favorite stonefly and grass hopper imitation to use for Trout outside of Alaska. Originated by the legendary Jack Dennis in Jackson Wyoming, this general attractor should be in your fly box in a range of colors and sizes. …
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Fly Tying Friday // The Gartside’s Gurgler
If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see the video on our website. “It’s easy to get lost in the glamor of all the ‘NEW FOR 20XX’ patterns out there. In fact, one of my favorite things to do is deconstruct new patterns, searching for new materials and methods…
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Which Color Should I Pick?
The following are Stuart Foxall’s weapons for the Kanektok River this week. Stuart is a good friend of Deneki and a veteran on the Kanektok. He never wonders to himself, “which color will work today?” He already has his confidence patterns ready to go! And when fishing for an anadromous fish that is appropriately refereed…
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Timeless Tips // Clean your Hydration Bladder
You have got to stay hydrated out there and with various manufacturers incorporating hydration bladders into their backpacks, this is easy to do. One thing that commonly gets ignored with the hydration bladders however is the need to clean them. Even if you are only filling your hydration reservoir with clean water, the bladder itself…
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