It’s hard to believe, but in three short months we’ll be back at it, chasing bonefish around the flats of South Andros Island. Come join Norman, pictured above, and one of his many, many scaled friends that inhabit South Andros! Click right here to get in touch and learn more.
Andros South
Bonefishing is Fun
Are you having this much fun today? More on Good Times at Andros South Picking Your Dates Dominoes Land Crabbing
How Far Do You Have to Cast to Catch Bonefish?
File today’s post in the “questions we get asked a lot” category. Lots of new flats anglers worry about whether or not they have the casting skill to catch bonefish, apparently. We’ll answer twice. Answer #1: It Depends Where You’re Fishing Fisheries for bonefish vary widely. In places with a lot of fishing pressure, bonefish…
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Adam Kryder got one of the cooler photographs we’ve seen of a guide poling a skiff at Andros South this spring. We thought we’d pass it along. More Pictures from Andros South Just a Bit Overcast Bonefish and Mangroves Bruce and Louis are Back
On a late May afternoon that got cut short by a thunderstorm, Andros South guides Sparkles and Freddie chatted us up about their other favorite pastime: Crawfishin’. Bahamian Spiny Lobster (crawfish on the island) are abundant on South Andros. In August, the season opens and many of the guides spend their days free-diving for the…
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The Best Tides for Bonefishing
We get asked a lot about the best tides for bonefishing on Andros Island. We’ll do our best to give a basic explanation of a very complicated topic! What is a Good Tide? In most general terms, a ‘good tide’ is one in which there’s a decent amount of ‘moving water’, or tidal flow, during…
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Picking Your Dates for Bonefishing
Now is an excellent time to get your next bonefishing trip on the books. Huh? Isn’t this the beginning of summer, when we’re all thinking about salmon and trout and steelhead? Yeah it is, but it’s also the best time to book a trip to Andros. Picking Your Dates Our 2013-2014 season at Andros South…
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Andros Island Iguana
Cruising around on the flats and keys of South Andros Island, you expect lots of encounters with wildlife. Bonefish, of course. Sharks, too. Osprey? Yep. Crabs? OK. Rays? Wildlife … everywhere! How about a four foot iguana cruising around in the mangroves? Didn’t think so. NOTE: Relax. Never in the history of our lodge has…
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Roll Casting for Bonefish
Let’s do bonefishing tips from a steelhead guy! Scott Baker-McGarva, our head guide at BC West, just got back from Andros South – yes, there are benefits to working for Deneki Outdoors. He checks in today with a great reminder to utilize that most ‘basic’ of casts – the roll cast – when light is…
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Land Crabbing
If you come to Andros South in May and want a bit of local flavor, bring a headlamp and work gloves for some Land Crabbin’. It’s a great way to spend some time with the friendly staff, see a bit of the backcountry and have a bunch of fun running around the jungle. Land Crabs…
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