Spotting bonefish on the flats can be tough, even for experienced anglers. Therefore, we’ve posted quite a few articles on our blog over the years about spotting bonefish, and odds are you haven’t read them all. So, today we thought we’d give you a little roundup of a bunch of posts we’ve run in the…
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Andros South
The Devil’s Backbone
At Andros South, we have a pretty cool natural phenomenon that makes for a pretty epic bonefishing location. Due to an intricate network of bights and creeks, a close proximity to extremely deep water (try over 5,000 feet), and relatively strong prevailing winds, at any given time we are able to witness opposite tides on opposite…
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Fish Facts: Bonefish Related to Eels?
We’re fortunate to work around a pretty knowledgeable staff at our lodges. In fact, a surprising number of our team members hail from pretty scientific backgrounds with degrees in fisheries biology, environmental science, geology and so on.. That makes for some pretty wild fish facts thrown around the camp fire from time to time. Every…
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Bonefish Running at You?
The classic bonefish take usually goes something like this.. Strip, strip, bonefish eats the fly, angler makes a long strip to set the hook (no trout sets!), bonefish takes off at lightning speed in the opposite direction, angler raises the rod and enjoys a well deserved fight against said bonefish. However, what happens when the bonefish…
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Andros South Video by Hollis Bennett
Last year we hosted professional photographer, Hollis Bennett, for a super quality photo shoot at Andros South. Hollis is an extremely talented photographer and if you have followed our blog at all over the past year, odds are you have seen some of his work. Hollis also took a fair amount of video while visiting…
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Need a Break?
If you live virtually anywhere in the northern half of the United States, odds are you don’t need to read this post to know, winter is upon us! The Northeast already received its first snow storm of epic proportions nearly two weeks ago, and winter storm warnings are in effect from the Pacific Northwest, through…
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Don’t Forget the ‘Cuda Rod!
For some reason, barracuda have developed the reputation of being an inferior species when compared to the bonefish and tarpon of the world. At Andros South, we couldn’t disagree more. Our barracuda are big, toothy, acrobatic, lightning fast, and extremely aggressive towards flies, including poppers! Fly Fishing for ‘cuda is the most underrated game in town, and…
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Nice Fish, Barry
Congratulations to Andros South guest, Barry Read, for landing the first bonefish of the season with a little help from guide Charlie Sweeting! Great work guys, and awesome fish! More Nice Fish from Our Lodges Nice Bonefish, Ralph Nice Trout, David Nice King, Eric
Andros South Bonefish School – Last Chance for November Week!
Just a reminder that this Saturday kicks off our first bonefishing school of the season at Andros South. We still have a couple openings left but time is running out! The school runs from November 9th through the 15th (for more info, click the link above). Drop us a line and join us for one of the most…
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Meet Brownie. Brownie belongs to one of our guides named Sparkles.. Yes Sparkles. If you’ve spent any time at Andros South, odds are you’ve met Brownie, or perhaps her long line of family named ‘Cookie.’ We consider Brownie to be part of the family, and as you can see, she’s pretty excited. Why is she so excited? Because tomorrow we kick off our…
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