When you’re new to the flats, spotting bonefish is hard – which is why we’ve passed on some handy tips on the topic in the past. Tips aside, it takes many hours on the water to become great at locating fish under all weather and visibility conditions. This is where a great guide standing high…
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Andros South
Replace Your Backing
Fact: Backing doesn’t last forever.. We help hundreds of anglers each year rig up for hard fighting species at our lodges from bonefish, to steelhead, to king salmon, all of which have the potential to send your backing zipping out the rod guides. However, despite paying top dollar for premium rods, reels, fly lines, and…
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Reader Poll – Monofilament or Fluorocarbon?
We’ve written a lot of articles, about a lot of different topics related to fly fishing, since we first launched the Deneki Outdoors blog back in 2008. However, one of our most popular posts to date was an article we published back in 2014 comparing the differences between monofilament (nylon) and fluorocarbon leaders and tippet….
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Timeless Tips: 3 Things to Look For in Your Andros Bonefish Fly
OK, you’re going to chase Andros Island bonefish over the next 6 months, and you’re trying to decide which flies to bring along. We’ve written quite a few posts on the topic of bonefish flies, but today we’ll keep it simple. South Andros Bonefish Flies – Three Things to Look For No weedguard. Here’s an…
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What’s the Big Deal About Bonefishing?
We love fly fishing for bonefish. We also love writing about fly fishing for bonefish. Therefore, we’re going to put ourselves out there and make the assumption that many of you check in to our humble little fishing blog because, well, you also love fly fishing for bonefish. Whoa. However, we also realize that many…
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Game On
It’s been a long time coming (or so it feels), but we just kicked off the opening week of our 2017/2018 bonefishing season at Andros South! More importantly, we’re happy to report that, despite some pretty tough conditions, our pal, Barry Abbott still managed to find a few on opening day alongside Andros South guide,…
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South Andros Bonefish – Fish Heavy Tippet
If we’ve learned one thing over the years of stomping around our flats at Andros South, it’s that bonefish on South Andros aren’t leader shy. In fact, we’d go out on a limb to say that bonefish in our neck of the woods hardly, if ever, refuse a fly because of tippet size. Fly selection?…
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Timeless Tips: Stages of Spotting Bonefish
When you’re out on the flats looking for bonefish, there are a few ‘stages’ that you go through, ranging from locating the fish to really reading how the fish is behaving. In today’s post we’re going to outline these stages – hopefully you’ll find something helpful in here! These stages apply to your overall career…
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Taking Video to Correct Casting Faults
When it comes to improving your cast, there’s no substitute for practice. Lots of practice. However, without a second set of eyes, it can be difficult to gain an honest image of your own cast on which to improve upon, making ‘practice’ wildly inefficient, often leading to more frustration than improvement. For this reason, we…
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5 Reasons to Fish Poppers for Barracuda
We love fly fishing for barracuda, and while we might be fortunate to be located right in the middle of one of the best bonefish fisheries on the planet, we still spend a lot of time targeting them.. Contrary to popular belief, long, flashy, needlefish imitations aren’t the only fly worth tossing at ‘cuda. In…
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