Earlier this month, our good friends from The Flyfish Journal joined us for their annual Bahamacon pilgrimage to South Andros. Joining the crew this year was poet, published author, guide, and just overall fishy dude, Cameron Keller Scott. Cameron is a regular contributor to the Flyfish Journal, and his poetry and prose has appeared in an…
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Andros South
Trident Fly Fishing’s 2018 8-Weight Fly Reel Shootout
In many avenues of fly fishing, it is often argued that a fly reel serves as nothing more than a means to store fly line. On the flats however, that’s far from the case. Quality reels with high performance drag systems can make a huge difference when it comes to bringing hard fighting saltwater species…
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8 Tips to a Better Strip Set
Executing a proper strip set is critical to success on the flats. However, contrary to popular belief, there’s more to an effective strip set than simply pulling on the fly line once the fish has taken the fly. Our good friend, Kyle Schaefer of Soul Fly Outfitters, spends his summers on the poling platform targeting…
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Chase Down that Fish of a Lifetime
Big bonefish, we’re talking fish-of-a-lifetime ‘big,’ can run far.. Really far. After all, their ability to take hundreds of yards of backing is a huge part of what makes the opportunity to tussle with one so rewarding. Unfortunately, when it comes to fighting big fish the fact remains; the farther they run, the more difficult…
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How to Avoid Twist in Your Fly Line – Video
Whether you fish freshwater or saltwater, warm water or cold water, single or double handed rods, or all of the above, fly line twist happens to everybody. But, believe it or not, it can be easily fixed! We recently stumbled upon a great video put together by our friends at RIO on how to avoid…
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Timeless Tips: Fighting Bonefish
In the past we’ve covered how to spot bonefish, and how to set the hook on a bonefish. Great, you’ve done it all right and you’ve got one hooked up. Now what? Here’s what. Let him run. As soon as you’re confident that you’ve got the hook set (you strip-set, right?), let that fish run….
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Stick It to the Taxman
It’s tax season, and what better way to cope than by sticking it to the Taxman himself. Due to their tendency to collect a portion of tropical angler’s hard-earned, sharks have been appropriately dubbed ‘the Taxman’ by the angling community. Those who have fished on South Andros know the Taxman well. With populations of lemon…
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Strip to Your Pocket
Today’s post comes from the questions-we-get-asked-a-lot category. Today’s question being: How long should I strip my fly for bonefish? There are many variables that are important to consider when retrieving a fly for bonefish. The speed of the boat, the speed at which the fish is moving, the depth of the water, and the weight…
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Loon Outdoors UV Infiniti Light
The introduction of UV curable adhesives has allowed anglers to accomplish tasks in seconds that once took hours. From fly tying cements and head finishes, to wader and gear repair, to knot and tackle coatings, there has been a massive introduction of UV curable adhesives over the past several years. However, despite the variety of UV adhesives…
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Rinse Your Gear
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; when it comes to fly fishing gear, salt is the enemy. Saltwater can wreak havoc on rods, reels, fly lines, flies, wading boots, zippers, and virtually anything else it comes in contact with. A common misconception amongst anglers is that gear designed specifically for the salt…
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