Waking up to a day of cloudy skies, heavy winds, and a chance of rain is disheartening before a day on the flats. There’s no doubt about it, bonefishing is a visual game, and the more clouds and wind present, odds are the more difficult the day is going to be.
However, there’s a secret that most experienced bonefish anglers don’t tell you. With bad weather comes big bonefish.
Time and time again, we’ve seen some of the largest bonefish of the season landed during some of the most unfavorable days of the season. We’re not sure, but we think it has something to do with the influx of cooler water temperatures on the flats brought on by the mixing from heavy winds and cooler air temperatures from associated cold fronts. All we know is that we see our share of hefty bonefish during the ugly days.
That’s reason alone to get out of bed and hop in the boat despite unfavorable weather. Just ask our friend Dick Von Zuilen about his recent experience at Andros South pictured below. Nice Fish Dick!

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