We at Deneki Outdoors wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! We know we are a day early here but we do not post on Thursdays and did not want to pass up an opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of our loyal supporters. Whether you are a guest at one of our…
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Andros South
Timeless Tips // Point and Pivot Slowly On The Bow
We’ve talked in length about how important it is to be on the same page as your guide. 20 feet to him may look like 30 feet to you. Once you are on the same page in regards to distance (I always use the length of the boat as a good reference point for you…
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Good Article To Share
I recently read an article that was published a million years ago in 2010 but the message seemed as relevant and time sensitive as ever. The article was written by Robert MacDougall-Davis and featured in an online journal called The Ecologist. It is titled, “Fishing and the environment: why the two are inextricably linked.” I…
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Worms for Bonefish?
Worms have a funny reputation in the fly fishing world. I am not talking about live worms hung below a bobber but even worm flies get looked down upon. The San Juan worm was probably the first fly you learned to tie if you are a trout fisherman and it has maybe even accounted for…
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When Bonefishing, Don’t Give Up!
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a bonefish at Andros South eat on someone’s 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th shot, I would have a whole lot of nickels! It is easy to get discouraged out there if you make what you think is the perfect cast and the fish ignores your…
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When Bonefishing, Cast Closer Than You Think
With Andros South just recently opening, we naturally have Bonefish on the mind. One debate we often have over some Kalik’s at the Slack Tide Bar is how far you should lead a bonefish with your cast. Obviously factors like pressure of the fishery, speed of the moving fish, how high the tide is or…
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3 Bad Habits to Break When Bonefishing
In honor of our opening week at Andros South, we wanted to share with you 3 bad habits to break when bonefishing. These are just a few things to avoid to help you get the most out of your trip! Too many false casts. Get your flies in the water. Our bonefish are aggressive and…
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Opening Day at Andros South!
Tomorrow, November 3rd, is the opening of our season at Andros South! As you read this a 10 lbs bonefish is cruising a shallow flat, looking for something to eat. Do you want a chance at feeding this giant? The fall and winter are actually the most underrated time to target the largest bonefish on…
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How to Clean your Reel after a Saltwater Trip
Reel cleaning is very important after fishing the salt. You spent some good coin on that Hatch 7 or Nautilus X so let’s make sure it lasts! After everyday fishing the salt, be sure to spray down your reel with some fresh water. Once your trip is over, it is important to do a more…
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Timeless Tips // Land Your Flies Softly
In saltwater fly fishing, many articles are written about casting. Topics such as adding distance to your cast, casting accuracy, or quickly shooting line out with minimal backcasts are all covered in great detail, but I’d argue being able to softly land your fly on the water without a big “splat” is as important of…
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