When it comes to saltwater fly fishing, there’s no doubt that the double haul is one of the most valuable tools when casting on the flats. Increased line speed and the division of power application between not one, but two hands, resulting from a proper haul is simply unparalleled. Therefore, it’s no surprise that one…
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Andros South
Guide Speak Glossary: Andros Edition
‘Guide Speak’ are words that form over time in specific environments to describe things, actions, and/or events (and maybe more). If you’ve fished with us at Andros South or are thinking about it, here are some terms that you’ll probably hear during your time with us. Monster – n. A big fish, a very big…
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Timeless Tip: Remove a Wind Knot in your Leader
It’s inevitable. If you do any sort of casting your leader or tippet will eventually fall victim to a wind knot that will weaken your line. If you’ve ever lost a fish because your leader snapped at a wind knot, we know the feeling. Now, if you’re lucky enough to find a wind knot near…
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Fly Tying: Crazy Charlie
A simple fly but you can catch bonefish anywhere in the world with nothing but this fly in different sizes and colors. It also works as a killer smolt pattern in a pinch. Did we mention it’s a simple fly to tie? If you’re reading this on your mobile device to click here to get…
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Deneki Chronicles: Schooling Bonefish – Present to the Lead Fish
Over the course of a week at Andros South, you’re going to see a lot of bonefish. Some will be huge singles hunting by their lonesome. Some will be doubles, triples, or smaller groups scavenging as a team. Others will be in large groups or ‘schools’ from a half dozen to hundreds of fish (yes,…
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Josie Sands Memorial Fund
On October 5th, 2020, the Bahamas bonefishing community took a devastating blow with the tragic passing of Captain Joseph ‘Josie’ Sands. If you were lucky enough to spend time on the water with Josie, you knew he was a true powerhouse. Josie had been guiding the flats of South Andros for over 25 years, making…
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Deneki Chronicles: Tailing Bonefish – Hit ‘Em On the Head
Most of the time that you’re casting a fly to a bonefish, that fish is cruising and you want to lead him with your fly – maybe 2 to 10 feet depending on the situation. Leading him gives your fly time to sink and ensures that he doesn’t spook from the ‘plunk’ of the fly…
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Quiet for Now
Captain Joseph ‘Josie’ Sands
On Monday, October 5th, 2020, Andros South lost a beloved family member. Captain Joseph ‘Josie’ Sands was a legend among legends. A father and a brother, a mentor and a friend. He was born to be on the water. He loved sailing & commonly, in his words, “cleaned the whole fleet out”, taking first place…
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Bahamas Update
The Government of The Bahamas has updated their Travel and Testing Protocols, published October 2nd, 2020. The purpose of these new protocols are to eliminate the need to ‘Vacation in Place’. We applaud the efforts of The Government of the Bahamas in their commitment to keeping their communities and visitors safe. The requirement for travelers…
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