Being comfortable can make all the difference between a good or bad outdoor experience. Everybody talks about the importance of keeping your body’s core warm in cold conditions. Underlayer clothing is designed to keep your “core” warm in colder temperatures. Last checked, your tushie and thighs are a part of your core, and a lot…
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Alaska West
Fly Tying: Dolly Llama
They say, “imitation is the best form of flattery.” There are a bunch of variations of the Dolly Llama demonstrated, but none exactly like the original. That being said, even this tie instruction is ever so slightly different. The Dolly Llama has taken over the Egg Sucking Leech as Alaska’s “all-around” fly pattern. This pattern…
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Deneki Chronicles: When to Set the Hook When Swinging Flies – North 40 Video
When swinging flies for salmon and steelhead, one of the most common faults we see on a regular basis from our anglers is setting the hook too early. In most avenues of fly fishing (trout, bass, bonefish, you name it), setting the hook quickly is critical in order to establish tension and ensure a solid…
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Scenes From Alaska 2021
Just a few scenes from both Rapids Camp in Bristol Bay and Alaska West. We already miss it. Deneki’s Family of Lodges – Alaska & The Bahamas: Alaska West Lodge Andros South Lodge Rapids Camp Lodge
Fly Tying: The One Sculpin Ultra Rigged
Deneki Friend and Alum Jerry French tied the original version of “The One Sculpin,” an articulated stinger style fly. Jerry came out with the Ultra Rig Kit last year, and we decided to tie his pattern using that system. We also changed the throat material as well. What is the “Ultra Rig” you ask? In short,…
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Aqua Flies: Ultra Rig Kit
Stinger-style flies are the way to go when it comes to fishing on the swing. Typically tied with wire or braid, both have their respective challenges. A wire is brittle, hard to work with, and you can’t change out flies very easily, especially in the cold. If you use braid, it is soft, so larger…
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Wet Fly Swing Podcast
The Wet Fly Swing podcast by Dave Stewart is a comprehensive resource, covering a variety of fly fishing topics. The podcast covers all things fly fishing not only in the United States and across the world. With Eight Seasons and an array of topics, you’ll have plenty to listen to through the winter. Below are…
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Fly Tying: Hoh Bo Spey
Originated by Charles St, Pierre, the Hob Bo Spey is named after the famous Olympic Peninsula Steelhead rivers, the Hoh River, and the Bogachiel River. A great low water fly, with a solid profile and stinger hook, it is a versatile, easy casting fly, and the color combinations are almost endless. A proven effective fly…
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Deneki Chronicles: Spey Fishing – Pulsing the Swing (Video)
The “tug” might be the “drug,” but most anglers would agree that a tug that stays attached is ideal. Unfortunately, when swinging flies for salmon and steelhead, that’s not always the case. Quick strikes, followed by an unanswered swing, are common when spey fishing, and can be frustrating at the very least. So what do…
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Alaska West Lodge: 2021 Season Wrap-up and Thank You!
Well, there is. September has arrived, the closing of summer comes upon us on the calendar; It’s official…the Alaska West Lodge has completed its 2021 season, and what a season it has been for the Lodge. After the last group of guests departed the Lodge, our staff broke down the Lodge, packed everything up nice…
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