The legendary Captain Bruce Chard from Big Pine Key, Florida, hosts bonefishing schools every year at Andros South. In addition to full days of guided bonefishing at Andros South, guests start off the week with a full day of instruction from Bruce, covering topics ranging from gear and rigging to casting to bonefish behavior. Bruce’s…
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Deneki Blog
Simms Video Shot at Alaska West
In 2007 Simms sent a crew to Alaska West to document their products and the people who use them and abuse them. They produced photos for their catalog as well as an incredible video. Have a look.
Simms Video Shot at Andros South
In the fall of 2007, Simms Fishing Products brought a film crew to Andros South to film their products in action on the flats. The video is available on YouTube– check it out! Diana Rudolph and Natih Sherman tell some great stories and experience some great fishing on South Andros.
Welcome to the blog for Deneki Outdoors. We’ll be posting periodically to give you updates on the fisheries, operations and people related to our fly fishing lodges.