“If all the insects were to disappear from Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish. “
Although we don’t believe we can prove the idea behind this quote, we acknowledge there is some sentiment of a natural balance in life on this earth. Wildlife, have a natural tendency to balance things out naturally. Humankind is a bunch of the many other residents on the earth. As humankind, we are the only residents of this earth who can control whether we ride the line of natural balance or not.

Earth Day promotes awareness of environmental protection and earth conversation. Like many others, we at Deneki Outdoors believe Earth Day is every day. We also believe protecting our planet starts with us, and our actions speak louder than our words. The small lifestyle changes you can make will make an impact on our one earth. So here are some small lifestyle changes we can make to help preserve our earth.
- Invest in a coffee mug- Most coffee shops will even discount your coffee. We like the Yeti 20 oz Rambler.
- Invest in a water bottle- Reusable water bottles keep you hydrated and keep single-use plastic bottles out of use. There a lot of reusable water bottle options out there. Any one of them will suffice. One we like is the good ole Nalgene 32 oz Wide Mouth for everyday use. A great option for fishing, hiking, and travel is the Platypus 1.0 L Soft Bottle because they are collapsable and are very lightweight.
- When ordering takeout, ask not to include any plastic utensils or straws. Plastic utensils and straws are annoying. Avoid them altogether.
- Avoid disposable anything as much as possible—cups, plates, bowls, etc. Trash is literally the bane of the earth. Find ways to reduce the amount of trash you produce.
- If you see trash, pick it up and throw it away, especially on the river. Carry a receptacle that will help collect trash to help keep our rivers or any environment clean.
- Shop locally. Shopping locally helps protect our environment and our local economies. By buying local, you reduce the negative externalities that come with logistics and transport.
We are all residents of this earth. Let’s make sure to do our part to take care of the only planet that we live on.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. “
JAne Goodall
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