Many of our regular Andros South guests will recognize this face. Jeffery Francis grew up on the island and worked at the lodge on weekends throughout high school. He was offered a scholarship to play basketball at a couple different schools in the States and ended up choosing Blessed IJN Prep Academy in Jackson, MS. We are so proud of his achievements, dedication & hard work that has gotten him to where he is today. Keep an eye out, he’s going to do great things!!

As we have often stated, we are very humbled to be apart of the wonderful community that exists here on South Andros. The locals are our family and a large part of why a trip here is about so much more than just the fishing.
More From Wonderful South Andros:
Way to go Jeffery! Cant wait to see what you do in this next chapter!
We love you buddy! Way to get after it.
That’s what I’m talking bout Jeff. Keep working.💯 It’ll all fall into place. #obsessedwithimprovement
Congrats Jeffery job well done
Very good post keep it up South Andros
Way to go bro am proud