Our friends at RIO products put together a great video going over selecting a sink tip and how to correctly match it with the type of fishing you will be doing. Brand Manager Simon Gawesworth is a fantastic teacher and is very passionate about the subject. He begins explaining the specs behind Rio’s various available tips and how the weights of sink tips are determined. He follows this up by discussing the different situations that each sink tip is designed to be used. If you have ever had questions about topics such as pairing a sink tip with different flies, skagit vs scandi, or what a MOW tip is, we highly recommend taking the time to watch this video. Simon takes a rather complicated subject and simplifies it incredibly well. RIO has been designing some of the best fly lines on the planet for years and recently began producing a “How To” series of videos that we are big fans of. Even the most seasoned 2 handed fishermen would take something away from this video. Thanks for sharing Simon and RIO!
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More On Sink Tips:
OK, well this is really confusing. For several years I have fished for Tigerfish in the Okavango River in NW Botswana using a 10 weight rod with a RIO Tropical Series Leviathan Saltwater 350 gr line with a 26 foot sink tip and a sink rate of 7 – 8 ips, or an 8 wt rod with a Scientific Anglers Mastery Series Tropic Express on 250 gr WF sink tip with a sink rate of 6 – 8 ips. The leader in both cases was 20 lb monofilament with a 10 ” piano wire tippet with typical tigerfish patterns (baitfish mostly) on #2 or #4 size hooks.
But it’s time to replace both lines. How do these lines translate in the current system as described in the video?
Very informative for me. Enjoy listening to Simon knowing how knowledgeable Simon is. I’ve been in the business having guided, and managed a fly shop for years, and now retired, and spey casting using Switch Rods for trout are all new to me. Creating the “balanced outfit” with the method has been very confusing for me. That video was a big help.