“What happens when Dave Skok is given unlimited space to let his bobbin roam free by a recovering drug addict fly shop owner that’s fishing with one of the sharpest guiding minds in the Keys? Dave Skok’s Strong Arm Merkin. Through constant tweaking of the design over 10 years – the claw migrated up the bend of the hook, inverting it to ride point up even when using ultra-light weight lead eyes. The result is that anglers are now able to throw much lighter flies than they had previously, which is a key component to the new school of permit fishing in the lower Florida Keys. Proving itself in both the March Merkin and the Del Brown tournaments with either first or second place finishes in 9 of the last 11 tournaments.” –Fly by Signature Tyer Dave Skok / Words by Nathanial Linville of The Angling Company
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Read about the fly in Fly Fishing Magazine. Got the materials and will start cranking them out. Love the innovative arm to steer the fly!