Our operations manager at BC West, Kara Knight, and the rest of our staff have arrived at the lodge and are excited for another great season on the iconic Dean River. Looks like the migratory fish that make the Dean River so famous are getting excited for the season as well. The photo below is from Kara’s first fish of the year. Or as she says, “When a bright King Salmon meets a backing malfunction, you get this!”

For those who are interested in fishing one of the most iconic Steelhead Rivers on the planet, we do have an opening for 4 guests, August 10-17th. This is the time of year were some of the largest Steelhead come into the river. Also, as it is towards the end of summer, the bugs and the other anglers start to diminish. If you want to do some bear viewing along with your fishing, you have that opportunity as well as our furry friends move in to feed on the salmon. Sound like fun to you? Reach out here!
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