An old wise man once spoke the following truism, “The Bahamas has the best bonefishing in the world and Andros has the best bonefishing in the Bahamas.” Well there is no argument from us here! The big bonefish from Andros South continue to show up. The above two photos are from the Crago family and their first visit to our little lodge in paradise called Andros South. A couple of fun facts about these fish. First, this father son combo got both of these beasts from the same school of fish! In most places, “schooly” bones are of the 1-3 pound variety. Well this school of fish was filled with grandes in the 10 pound class! Another thing to note, look at the top photo. See the missing scales/scarring on the fish? That is because this trophy bonefish was in the mouth of a shark at one point during the battle! Luckily it safely escaped to fight again another day. I personally got to spend some time with the Crago family and couldn’t of been more excited to hear about this dream day. Great work my friends!
More Trophy Fish:
Tory is a fishy guide to be certain.