George Cook with some video commentary on fly fishing lakes.
The topic de jour is some techniques for dealing with a difficult backcast.
In this video, George talks about
- The fact that some of the best spots in lakes, like bays, can have very tough backcast conditions
- How basic rollcasting can work
- How a single hand Perry Poke can add distance to a roll cast
- How hauling on the forward stroke can add distance to a roll cast
- The fact that you can watch your backcast and guide it through the gaps behind you
- How to use the steeple cast
- The Rio Outbound line and how it can help add distance when backcast room is limited
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to learn about limited backcast room on YouTube.
Great tips by George. Another variant to his steeple cast is to rotate your hand palm up on the back cast. This allows for s stronger vertical trajectory on the back cast. It adds an additional element to proper timing but when done well, you can throw a completely vertical back cast which is harder without the wrist rotation.