A couple weeks back we presented you with a list of some of our favorite flies for our resident rainbow trout population at Alaska West. However, in case you weren’t already aware, that’s not the only lodge we operate in Alaska!
We also run a fantastic fly-out operation called Rapids Camp Lodge, situated on one the world’s most prolific rivers for trophy rainbow trout, the Naknek River. We target big trout on our home river, as well as numerous remote rivers and streams around bristol bay, so today we present you with..
Our Favorite Trout Flies at Rapids Camp Lodge
1. The Exasperator (Tan and/or Black).

2. Lord of the Frys.

3. Morrish Mouse.

4. Dali Lama (Tan/Flesh).

5. Articulated Egg-Sucking Leech (Black and/or White).

6. Bandit Leech (Gold Variant).

None of the links worked for me. Love your site by the way.
Hi, Gary. Thank you for reading the blog. A lot of the websites referenced were updated and our legacy links didn’t translate. That being said, Not all of them are exactly the same or even available. Fortunately, there are still tying instructions and other sources. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.