Our buddy Stuart Foxall is back with another great step by step! Whether you’re fishing for steelhead, trout, dolly varden, or the like, this is one killer fly whenever spawning salmon are present.
Stu’s Egg Intruder – Tying Instructions
I came up with the idea of the egg intruder 5 or 6 years ago when swinging for monster leopard rainbows at Alaska West. As with most good fly patterns it’s pretty generic. At a quick glance it could imitate eggs or even flesh. The one thing that I didn’t really figure on is how deadly it would be while swinging for steelhead. If you’ve got spawning fish in your river system and steelhead are around, make sure to give this a try!

While you could certainly dead drift this fly, I prefer to swing it. However, make sure that you swing it right to the bank.. Fish really do have a habit of following this fly until the last minute!
Another good one! What size Blog Fritz do you use?