Last week, Winston Fly Rod Co. went live with their new website, complete with hi-res photos, videos, and everything else that is good. With it, they released a video showcasing their new series of two-handed ‘Microspey’ trout rods in action.
Why are we telling you this? Aside from the fact that these are some of the coolest things we’ve seen hit to spey world in quite some time, the video was also shot at Alaska West by our good friend Steven Yochum.
Click here and hit the video link titled ‘BORON III TH-MS’ to check out three minutes of hook sets, lazer loops via Tom Larimer, and quality fish porn.
Great to see some of the finished product of what Tom and the other Steve were shooting. Brings back some fond memories and Shea gets a cameo! Those rods are also pretty nice to fish with.
Totally agree Steve! Good to hear from you and hope to fish with you soon!