The audience on our humble little blog continues to grow (thanks for reading!), and we really like to stay in touch with what you want to read about. Every once in a while we just ask, and today is one of those days.
What Do You Want Us to Write About?
What in the world of fly fishing do you want to read about?
- More expert rigs? Anybody in particular?
- Any specific gear you’d like to see reviewed?
- What kinds of tips are most helpful?
- What fisheries are you most interested in?
- What else?
We love your feedback! Please leave us a comment and let us you what you’d like us to write about.
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Thanks so much!
I read your blog everyday and look forward to it. You guys do a great job at selling your lodges. I would like to hear some feedback from the perspective of your staffers regarding their experiences with your clients, both good and bad. Everyone is kind and professional, but what do they say and think about your guests after they leave? Keep up the great work.
Do y’all do any flats fishing involving Snook or Reds? I’d love to hear some tips on FL flats fishing!
I’d like to see more gear reviews of rods, reels and clothing etc.
Also I’ve enjoyed the do it yourself low cost gear tricks.
Great content already, but my request would be to show some flies and steps to tie. THX!!
I would like the see how you carry your camera equipment both to the water and on the water.
I am just starting to make tube flies for pan fish, crappies, small mouth bass and other freshwater game fish.
It seems that I can’t find enough info on tying these tube flies for fresh water species.
Also, can you explain how to rig and fish tube flies for fishing on 7-9 wt fly rods.
Alaska: Dolly Varden…
Love the blog. I’d like to see a post on the advantages/disadvantages to particular tapers (or at least general types) in different types of fishing r weather conditions. You could cover which tapers lend to distance, accuracy, or soft landing, etc. Also, it would be good general knowledge to know which are suited to faster or slower rods or casting styles.
Keep it up,
Hi you have a great blog full of interesting things. One of my favorites is where you talk about the ‘ best of things’ and why?
Best rain gear, reels, ways to fish trout , etc. it seems like you take all of your great knowledge whether products you have used or experience on the water and aggregate it for us so we don’t have to do all that searching or waste time trying things that don’t work.
My .02:
-tying vids
-more equipment commentary,,,loved andrews product testing
-rigs and configs for different species and conditions
-cooking once in a while ie how you make such nice smoke salmon, etc
Hi Why don’t you do articles on reading water for each species ie Kings, silvers,steelhead etc. and how to approach them with sink tips , spey rods,and fly selections.
I would like to learn more on how the fly travels through a water column on a double handed rod.
How deep is it at a certain time and how to present it in a best possible way to cover the run all depths included.
How to determine what is the depth difference on a weighted and un weighted fly with the same sink tip.
This is a complex subject I know but once casting with doublehanded rod is mastered a whole new world of real fishing opens up.
Thank you
I wouldn’t change anything.. but I do like reading about the guide’s full rig set ups for fishing in AK for various species and river conditions. My fly fishing has all been self taught so it’s always helpful to get a tip from the pros.
Terrific site. Very informative and helpful. I read every one and hope to fish with you guys one day. If you get a chance to try the Loop 6-piece two-handers, it would be great to see a review. They make an 8 and 9 wt (and lighter). Travel has become much more difficult and expensive with even 4 piece rods.
I’m sure your guides use other rod brands(than Sage). Would like to see some of those reviewed. Both good and bad points, as well as current line matches, etc., would be useful. I like (and use) Sage, but am also interested in good and bad points of other brands of rods. Lots of really nice ones out there.
Review lines other than those manufactured by Rio and Air Flo. And also review their mid and long belly lines. More of us are getting into casting.
Though I dream of bonefish, and have travelled to destinations, the meat of my local fishing is for salmon and trout. You seem to have a pretty nice mix, as-is, but I really enjoy information the 2- hand rod fisheries and that is why I come to Deneki.
Flies! Step-by-step photos of tying flies used in the various fisheries. Readers should not have to search out pattern dressings on other sites. Keep us here! More readers spending more time here is even better advertising!
Expert rigs are interesting, as are rigs used by guests. If your guides are anything like me, they use more than one rig. Keep them coming, they are all interesting.
Photography articles are great. Could even review various cameras and other equipment from a fisherman’s point of view. You have great photographers!
Probably something obvious that I missed. Thanks for the opportunity, Frank
Write about: The limitations of use of various types of fly lines. Can you cast a No. 6 Muddler with a DT4F line? Can you cast a No. 20 BWO with a nymph-tip line and the right leader? What’s the deepest you can properly present a nymph in a lake with an intermediate line? Things like that.
I love your simple tips.. clearly written, as a long time fly fisher, but still struggling with remembering everything…I always learn something, thanks.
Looks good to me. I’m a bit biased though as I’m 80% Salt and 99% of my fresh in on the local natives in Australia.
Probably a bit more on Permit and Tarpon.
I’ve seen some comments re gear but when one gets into the list of gear article there are 240+ to choose from and I know there are other sites which do annual shoot outs on rods and reels if one is interested.
Keep up the good work. As soon as your e-mail arrives I open it to see what is going on and I get the jump on a lot of folks as it arrives in my inbox around 10:30pm.
Cheers BM
Thanks so much for all the input, everyone – much appreciated! We’re getting to work…
I would like to see if your view on “egg” fishing has changed or if you have an updated bead technique? I would echo the fly tying steps, some of the “easiest” steps can be tough until you see them broken down.
I love the site, it takes me to back to Alaska every time it hits my inbox,
Leaders & tippets that are used on Skagit tips, 100% floating, 75% floating, 50% floating, 25% floating, and 100% sinking. I would assume that more sinking, the shorter the leader & tippet would be. Straight level mono, tapered mono, and maybe furled mono leaders.
Oh! one more thing, “Search/Find” function.
Great blogs. Your gear reviews are always excellent as are tips on gear and rigs!