Over the years countless stories, magazine articles and videos have chronicled the tremendous rainbow trout produced by the Naknek Lake system. Many of the rainbows hooked over 30” aren’t landed due to their sheer tenacity in the 6 plus knots of current. They will put to the test any angler’s gear and abilities on a daily basis – but with dedication and confidence, bringing that trout of a lifetime to hand can become reality on any given cast.
Our new addition to the Deneki family, Rapids Camp Lodge is strategically located at the bottom of the “rapids” on the Naknek River. Though known for its unmatched fly-out program, the home water advantage is key. Every year RCL gives out dozens of 30”+ pins to guests who accomplish the feat…accompanied that evening by champagne toasts and the guide’s comical twist on the battle that ensued!
More on Rapids Camp
Love to catch fish like that 🙂
woah that’s huge, love to go to fishing too
i love fish.