Over the past few years we’ve posted a bunch of videos about spey casting.
Here are our 6 most popular. Have a look – you never know when you’ll pick up a tidbit or two!
NOTE: If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, click here to see the videos on our web site.
Anchor Placement
Tom Larimer covers the fundamentals – seen 50,000 times!
Managing Running Line
Michael White talks about how to deal with your running line with an old climber’s trick.
We got lots of questions about the details here and posted this video with further explanation.
Uses for Switch Rods
George Cook talks about a bunch of different applications.
Circle Spey Basics
Whitney Gould walks through the basics of one of the most popular casts – a.k.a. the Snap T.
Rio Skagit MOW Tips
Simon Gawesworth tells us all about Rio’s popular new sinktip system.
Advanced Anchor Placement
Tom Larimer returns with a follow up to our most popular video.
This is why I keep coming back to Deneki–great content, constantly updated–and even the content reviews are worth reviewing. Thanks!
Thanks so much, Tom – we appreciate you coming back!
Always learn a lot watching Tom’s Spey casting clips. Hope he puts one out a segment on what happens during the sweep phase and how to form a proper D loop. Also would be nice to know what casting style Tom is demonstrating. Is it Scandi/underhand, traditional, or Skagit or a combination of Styles.
Tom W.
I am really surprised to not see Dec Hogan’s video Modern Spey Casting on your list. I think it is the best one I have watched and I’ve seen all the ones on your list.
Hey Jeff,
We totally agree! Just about everything Dec has put out on spey casting is gold as far as we’re concerned! We’ve only listed OUR top spey casting videos here, but we love Dec’s work too! Thanks for the input and have fun out there!