Hi, it’s Andrew Bennett here. I’m your fearless editor here at the Deneki Outdoors blog – I write a lot of the articles that you see here, and I work with our amazing team of folks to produce the rest. In my spare time at Deneki Outdoors, I run the company.
I’m headed to Andros South from May 25 to June 1 this year, and I’d love to have you join me!
May tends to be a great time for folks looking to put up some big numbers of bonefish. The ‘other species’ program also heats up as the summer weather heats up. In particular, there’s a chance to do some…
Permit Fishing R&D
There are permit on South Andros Island, and big ones too. This time of year, and on this tide cycle, we’ve been seeing them very regularly. If you’ve spent some time on the flats, why not get in on a basically virgin permit fishery?
NOTE: You saw the ‘R&D’ part up there, right? We are not yet catching permit consistently. This is not a ‘permit fishing trip’. Think ‘an awesome week of bonefishing with the chance to look for permit for a day or two’ – that’s what this is. Or, you can fish for bonefish all week!
Our island’s amazing fishery for bonefish is the main draw – big fish, lots of fish, wading, poling, hard bottoms, soft bottoms, ocean flats, creek systems – you name it, we’ve got it. There’s something for everybody, and it’s really, really fun.
Join Me at Andros South
I’d love to have you join my group on Andros. You can stay for any portion of the week – trips range from $1725 for 3 nights and 2 days, to $4375 for 7 nights and 6 days. Drop us a line to get in on the fun.
I highly recommend fishing with Andrew and fishing in Andros. It = awesome.
The new tiki bar is making it pretty hard to resist.