For years at Alaska West we’ve had a policy restricting the amount of salmon our anglers retain – to levels well below what Fish and Game regulations allow. The Kanektok is a healthy productive fishery, and bringing some fish home from a health productive fishery is a great benefit – but we’ve always wanted to be reasonable and responsible so we’ve set stricter limits.
Our king salmon fishery is an amazing resource – unique even in Alaska. We want to feel good about doing our part to keep it that way, so this year we’re placing additional restrictions on the king salmon our guests retain.
This summer Alaska West will allow each angler up to 50 pounds of cleaned (un-smoked) salmon in any combination of kings, sockeye, chum, pink or coho. Of those salmon, two fish per angler per season may be king salmon between 20 and 30 inches. All king salmon over 30 inches will be released. All other fish and game regulations will continue to be enforced.
Long live the Kings.
Great plan. They are such a special fish and more sensitive to harvest then the other salmon. Many rivers are seeing much smaller fish these days after years of harvesting the big ones. Let the big ones spawn and keep on keeping on.
I really appreciate this commitment to the fish. It’s a long-term investment in your business as well. Good job!