We’re getting lots of new visitors to our web site every day – thanks so much to all of you for stopping by! We also have almost 1,500 pages of content these days, so we figured it was time for a quick primer on what you can find on our web site, and where you can find it.
If you’re viewing this in a newsletter or a reader, we’re going to be talking about a bunch of stuff you can only see on our web site, so click here to see this post on our web site.
Blog Posts
When you go to www.deneki.com, you see our most recent blog post at the top of the page, with thumbnails of the 8 next-most-recent posts right below. Over on the left-hand sidebar of the site there are 3 sections to help you find other blog posts – ‘Blog Topics’ where you can see blog posts related to big categories like Tips, ‘Tags’ where you can see blog posts about really specific topics like silver salmon, and then ‘All Blog Posts’ where you can see posts by month, like everything from August of 2010.
When you’re looking at a blog post, there are a few ways you can see other related posts. Right at the end of the post we hand-pick 3 posts we think you might like (the “More Interesting Pages” section). At the bottom of the post are also links to the big category of the post (Filed Under: ‘News’ in this case), and just below that you can click on the specific tags (‘Web site’ for today’s post) to read more that’s specifically related to the post you’re on.
Lodge Information
As you’ve hopefully realized by now, we don’t just write a blog – we also own and operate four really great fly fishing lodges. At any time that you’d like some information on Rapids Camp Lodge, Alaska West, Andros South, or BC West, you can just click the corresponding tab at the top of the web site. After you click the tab, you’ll see a menu on the left-hand side allowing you to navigate deeper for more information. For example, if you wanted information about silver salmon fishing at Alaska West, you’d click on the Alaska West tab at the top of the screen, and then Silver Salmon on the left-hand side of the site.
All About Pages
Our most popular pages are our really big ‘All About’ pages where we list and categorize posts about big topics. We have picture links to these pages in our right-hand sidebar. These rotate around a little bit, but right now you can see the links to our ‘All About’ pages for Gear, Trout, Bonefish and Spey Fishing.
That’s probably enough on the high points, so that concludes our tour. Thanks so much for looking around our web site. We hope to see you on the water soon!
I’ve got a much better caption.