It’s one of the keys to a healthy relationship – regular, open, honest communication.
We really appreciate all of you reading our stuff, and contributing to our little fly fishing community here on the web. We want to talk about what you want us to talk about, and it’s been a while since we’ve asked.
How Are We Doing?
What would you like to see on our blog and in our newsletter? More of something? Less of something?
- Gear reviews? Which gear?
- Expert rigs?
- Pictures from the water?
- Tips?
- Travel info?
- Specific articles?
- Input from our guides?
- Videos?
- What else?
Seriously, we value your input and would like to hear from you. Please leave us a comment – let us know how we’re doing, and what you’d like to see from us.
Thanks very much for reading our blog.
First up, let me say I really enjoy reading the blog, so it seems poor form to point out what I’d like to see less of. But here’s a couple of things that would (in my eyes at least) improve my enjoyment of your site…
The Pressure to post daily – You are incredibly consistent in the frequency and volume of your posts. However, it seems that there are certain days when you post just to get something online. I wouldn’t mind if you missed a day or two every now and then – if you’re struggling for a quality bit of content then don’t feel obliged to write something to fill the gap.
The Sell – I totally understand that you are commercial operation with a lot of places to fill in lodges around the world. But, as a regular reader, I know your offer, I know how great the fishing looks, how nice the bar is and that you catch lots of fish. I guess what I’m saying is that every post doesn’t have to link to one of your lodges /offers.
So thats the ‘less of’ what about the ‘more of’?
Be great to get more thoughts from more of your people, I’d love to hear from the guides, the bar men, the guests etc – it would add a different and more varied voice to the content, as well as a different view point
I’m sure you guys fish other places than your own lodges, that you’re scouting new water and testing different locations – I’d love to read about it
Would also love a weekly look inside some of your fly boxes and maybe a few step by steps on the patterns that are really cleaning up
Other than the above, it’s all gravy – keep it up and I hope very much to come see you one day when the diary allows for some fishing.
More expert rigs; more gear reviews – it would be nice to hear about some mid price rigs that are serviceable for spey and salt use; tips on spey
Hey Guys,
I love the daily posts. As a blogger I also know how hard it is to get things out on a daily basis. The info, updates, and imagery you put out there for your readers makes your daily news email one I look forward to receiving each day.
From my view, the biggest gap in your posting is the lack of conservation talk. You don’t have to beat people over the head with it, but slipping it in every now and then is quite valuable. I have talked (or ranted) a great deal about this on my own blog: (http://www.headwatersofhistory.com/2011/05/responsibility-ethical-moral-and-historical.html).
It would be great to have guest posts, perhaps, from fisheries conservation leaders in each of the areas where you have lodges so that visitors know what is at stake, what the history of that fishery might be, challenges and opportunities for conservation, etc.
Again, there are plenty of places where this is regular conversation or there are plenty people to do beat folks over the head (myself, admittedly, one of those people). So, the trick is to slip it in so that people feel the info is informative, rather than simply preaching. You have a great platform to work from and an huge audience at your disposal.
All in all, thanks the work you do, I enjoy starting my day off with your blog and a cup of coffee.
Look forward to your blog but given limited time I read it once a week and do all seven posts at that time. Consequently, I wouldn’t mind fewer posts and have them combined or more significant. The pressure to put something up each day must be both enormous and somewhat boring. Fewer may be better. I would like to hear about things as they happen meaning info about setting up A West (or any of your camps), what is happening right now on the river, what fish are starting in, which are full bore, funny or strange things that happen,weather, tear down at the end. I know this is sometimes on Facebook or Twitter but I imagine a lot of your readers like myself don’t have time to hit all those. I would like hearing more from clients. Also I am sure both camp personnel and clients hear about other fishing places, good rivers, good camps that are in competition with you, unique places to fish, etc. I would find that not only interesting but valuable info.
More tips – rigging, presentation etc (especially spey). Also, I find examples of expert rigs interesting. Great blog.
Hi Guys,
First off, let me say that I enjoy reading / visiting the blog daily. For me, the highlights are many, but I enjoy the gear reviews, and the one thing that I would love to see more of, is revisiting the gear after a season or two and hear your subsequent thoughts- what was good, what wasn’t.
Being stuck behind a desk all day, I enjoy the daily posts and even look forward to them. Getting a break by reading about something on the topic of the sport I love, or just seeing a cool picture provides a nice break in the day for me.
I really like the expert rigs sections and would love to see some more, as well as some more technical posts (eg. Spey Casting) fishing techniques etc.
Keep up the great work. I look forward to getting out fishing at one of your destinations one day.
I have been following your blog for almost two years now, and I rarely miss a day. I find your posts very helpful and fun to read. Lately my favorite posts have been gear reviews, expert tips, and expert rigs. My favorite post recently was the expert camera rig that Louis Cahill sent in, this was extremely helpful and surprising to see.
Thanks again for such a great blog,
Thanks everyone for all the input so far. Much appreciated – keep it coming!
Thanx for a great blog!
I enjoy the expert rig and the reviews the most – also a big fan of your tips.
Keep up the good work!
Your guides and hosts have a lot of knowledge and skills that I’d like to learn more about. How about starting with their answers to this question: What is the difference between a good flyfisher and an elite flyfisher? In other words, how do those of us who are pretty good move up to the elite level, that 10% who catch 90% of the fish?
Frankly, I like what I see and read. Hence, I come back to this site at least 3-4 times a week. For the person that complained about the commercial side or the advertising… hey, Deneki isn’t putting this web site up just to be nice guys! They’ve got to get customers in!
I like the expert rigs, I like them a lot! Perhaps more variety. Maybe an interesting rig that works from a customer? But, these articles give me a lot of good ideas.
Perhaps a few tactics articles. I have trouble seeing fish in moving water, so I’m always looking for “one more” idea that might help me. I really like the articles on different streamers, such as the one on Sculpins in general.
Maybe a personality article or two would be nice. You guys have a lot of guides, perhaps something about this one or that one that you take pride in.
Yeah, there’s a day or two it must be hard to find something to say. My pen runs dry periodically, too! So… what’s wrong with a nice picture or two? I can’t get enough pics of those spectacular Leopard Rainbow Trout! One of the most beautiful trout I’ve ever seen! And, some of those sea run browns from the Patagonia area have unbelievable colorations. Spawning salmon are also nice to see!
Keep up the good work, I thoroughly enjoy it all!
Overall the entire blog and weekly newsletter are an interesting read. Having fished two of your camps the one thing I would like to see more of is what the guides are doing. On a trip you get to know so little about them, and they have such a diversity of stories that could be told. 2010 I had Wally for a day at Alaska West – to find out he built Ice Roads in the winter was fascinating to me. Until Later! Chin !Chin!
Thanks again everybody for weighing in – it means a lot!
Great Blog period!!! I teach at a private University in Los Angeles and at the end of a day or between classes….I go to Wonderland via your Blog. 🙂
Fly patterns and videos.
Thanks for a great site. I can’t read everything on a daily basis so I end up playing catch up at the end of the week.
I enjoy pretty much all of it. I especially appreciate the expert rigs and tips posts so more of both would be great. And a few more articles…..
I look forward to the weekly update, especially news from Andros South as interest is directed to saltwater. I have really enjoyed the short video tips from your guides and would like to see more. Thanks for the effort you put into the site.
You guys always provcide a great experience, pictures and newsletter. it’s nice to see you get to relax once in awhile and that those who don’t get their pictures included often are included in this week’s picture — Robert, Elias and Willa.
Good Winter to all.
I really enjoy getting email from you guys.I wouldn`t want you to change anything.I like the videos and the tips the most.
Expert rigs, gear reviews, tips. I find all of those extremely helpful. And the tongue in cheek tone makes for fun reading as well. I always look forward to receiving your newsletter. Cheers, D
I’d like to hear more from the guides at Alaska West. I know many clients like to get into the rainbows, so how about advice/info. on the current fishing status and how the Kanektok measures up to the Arolik.
I love this! PLEASE continue your blog. It’s GREAT! I’m partial to the information, pictures, etc., about Alaska. It’s helped me learn more about the fish I pursue and I hope, will make me a better fisherman.
I would enjoy hearing the guides perspectives on various fishing, tackle, flies, techniques.
Also would enjoy a few more video clips (if possible) of guys actually fishing on the water.
Thanks for all your efforts! Keep up the good work!
I look forward to your weekly newsletter. If its not time yet for one of your trips, just reading about other excursions and seeing the pics makes it worthwhile. But what I find invaluable are your helpful tips for fishermen. I try and incorporate them into my fishing behavior and philosophy. Keep em’ coming!
Love what you’re doing. I read it weekly and enjoy it every week.
That said:
2 things I’d like to see less of:
Gear Reviews- If we’re reading the blog we are probably up to date on what’s new and what performs and what doesn’t. If we aren’t the internet is already FULL of reviews and information on everything.
To quote Guy above.. “the sell”- I agree with what he said. The regular readers, we know what you offer, we know how amazing it is. We are already sold on it.
2 things I’d like to see more of:
The awesome on the water photography! I love love love fish pictures and pics of people hooked up. Even an article or two on the actual photography itself would be neat. What cameras, how you protect them, what settings, etc etc.
More variety. You guys and gals eat sleep and breath fishing. I know you fish more places than just your lodges. I would like to hear about some of those trips and the other experiences.
Job well done! Keep blogging.
Job well done! Keep up the great work.
i would like to see pictures of me fishing from week 1 to week 5 next year other than that everything about akwest is awesome. best fishing i have ever had