Earlier this week we heard from a guest who’s booked to chase steelhead with us at BC West on the Dean this summer. He said he’s got a bunch of Sage spey rods, and he wanted to know which he should bring along. In the course of that conversation, we realized that we’ve written reviews of 4 Sage spey rods that we think work great on the Dean, and that maybe we should round ’em up!
Here they are, in ‘numerical’ order…
Sage Spey Rods for the Dean River
- 7126-4 TCX. Otherwise known as The Death Star, this thing is short and fast and hucks!
- 7136-4 Z-Axis. A fantastic choice for fishing the Upper River above the canyon, either with tips or with a dry line.
- 8119-4 TCX. The newest rod on the list, Sage calls it a switch rod but we think of it as a short spey rod. We plan on fishing it above and below the canyon, in almost any sinktip situation other than ‘cast as far as you can’.
- 8134-4 Z-Axis. A powerful, versatile rod with a really sweet feel and the ability to cover lots of water. Tailor made for the bottom mile and a half of river!
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